Body fluids and Circulation | Class 11 | One-Word Answer type Questions | Topic - wise

Topic 1: BLOOD

Q 1: For circulation, simple organisms such as sponges, coelenterates etc. use ……………….
✅ Water
Q 2: Percentage of plasma in blood is about
✅ 55%
Q 3: ………………. is a straw-coloured, slightly alkaline (pH 7.4) viscous fluid matrix of blood.
✅ Plasma
Q 4: Plasma contains ………………. % of water.
✅ 90-92%
Q 5: In blood plasma, percentage of plasma proteins is
✅ 6-8 %
Q 6: Name the plasma protein that helps in blood coagulation.
✅ Fibrinogen
Q 7: Name the plasma protein that helps in defense of the body.
✅ Globulins
Q 8: Name the plasma protein that helps in osmotic balance.
✅ Albumins
Q 9: Plasma without clotting factors is known as
✅ Serum
Q 10: Red blood cells (RBC) are also known as
✅ Erythrocytes
Q 11: Red colour of Erythrocytes (RBC) is due to an iron containing protein called
✅ Haemoglobin
Q 12: Normal Haemoglobin level is ………………. / 100 ml.
✅ 12-16 g
Q 13: A healthy adult man has, on an average, ………………. of RBCs mm–3 of blood.
✅ 5 - 5.5 million
Q 14: Erythrocytes are formed in
✅ Red Bone marrow
Q 15: Average lifespan of RBCs is ……………….
✅ 120 days
Q 16: Worn-out RBCs are destroyed in ………………. which is known as graveyard of RBCs.
✅ Spleen
Q 17: The blood cells that help in CO2 and O2 transports are
✅ Erythrocytes
Q 18: ………………. are colourless nucleated cells in blood.
✅ Leucocytes or White Blood Cells (WBC)
Q 19: Normal count of WBC is
✅ 6000-8000 /mm3
Q 20: Name the blood cells which are formed in Bone marrow, lymph glands and spleen.
✅ Leucocytes
Q 21: Name the blood cells that act as part of immune system.
✅ Leucocytes
Q 22: Neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils together constitute ……………….
✅ Granulocytes
Q 23: 60-65% of the WBCs are ………………. which act as phagocytes and destroy foreign organisms.
✅ Neutrophils
Q 24: 2-3% of the WBCs are ………………. which resist infections and cause allergic reactions.
✅ Eosinophils
Q 25: 0.5-1% of the WBCs are ………………. Which secrete histamine, serotonin, heparin etc. and cause inflammatory reactions.
✅ Basophils
Q 26: Lymphocytes and monocytes together constitute ……………….
✅ Agranulocytes
Q 27: 20-25% of the WBCs are ………………. which cause immune responses and secrete antibodies.
✅ Lymphocytes
Q 28: Smallest WBC with largest nucleus is
✅ Lymphocytes
Q 29: Lymphocytes are two types such as B- lymphocytes and ……………
✅ T- lymphocytes
Q 30: Largest WBC which act as phagocytes is
✅ Monocytes
Q 31: Name the colourless non-nucleated cell fragments in blood.
✅ Platelets (Thrombocytes)
Q 32: Normal count of Platelets is
✅ 1.5 - 3.5 lakhs /mm3
Q 33: Platelets are formed in ………………. in Bone marrow.
✅ Megakaryocytes
Q 34: Average lifespan of platelets is
✅ 7 days
Q 35: Function of platelets is
✅ Blood clotting
Q 36: ABO grouping is based on presence or absence of 2 surface antigens on RBCs namely
✅ A & B
Q 37: Plasma contains 2 antibodies namely
✅ anti-A & anti-B
Q 38: Which blood group is known as Universal donors?
✅ O Group
Q 39: Which blood group is known as Universal recipients?
✅ AB group
Q 40: In blood groups, positive and negative are specified based the presence or absence of an antigen called ………………. found on RBC.
✅ Rhesus (Rh) factor
Q 41: An Rh incompatibility between the Rh-ve blood of a pregnant mother and Rh+ve blood of the foetus that results in destruction of foetal RBCs is called
✅ Erythroblastosis foetalis
Q 42: Rh antigens do not get mixed with maternal blood in first pregnancy because …………... separates the two bloods.
✅ Placenta
Q 43: During first delivery, the maternal blood may be exposed to small amount of foetal blood (Rh+ve). This induces the formation of ……………. in maternal blood.
✅ Rh antibodies
Q 44: Erythroblastosis foetalis can be avoided by administering ………………… to the mother immediately after the first delivery.
✅ Anti-Rh antibodies
Q 45: In blood coagulation mechanism, clumped platelets & tissues release a factor called
✅ Thromboplastin
Q 46: Thromboplastin stimulates formation of an enzyme called
Thrombokinase (Prothrombinase)
Q 47: Thrombokinase hydrolyses prothrombin to thrombin enzyme in presence of ……………….
✅ Ca2+
Q 48: ………………. converts soluble fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin.
✅ Thrombin
Q 49: ………………. threads trap dead & damaged blood cells to form clot (coagulum).
✅ Fibrin


Q 50: As the blood passes through the capillaries in tissues, some water and soluble substances are filtered out from plasma to the intercellular spaces, to form
✅ Tissue (interstitial) fluid
Q 51: Some tissue fluid enters lymphatic system to form
✅ Lymph
Q 52: ………………. is a colourless fluid containing lymphocytes.
✅ Lymph
Q 53: ………………. helps to exchange nutrients, gases, etc. between blood and cells.
✅ Tissue fluid
Q 54: Digested fats are transported through lacteals in the intestinal villi by
✅ Lymph
Q 55: Lymph contains ………………. that take part in immune responses.
✅ Lymphocytes


Q 56: Name the circulatory system in which blood pumped by the heart passes through large vessels into open spaces or cavities called sinuses.
✅ Open circulatory system
Q 57: Give an example for animal group that has open circulatory system.
✅ Arthropods and Molluscs
Q 58: Name the circulatory system in which the blood pumped by the heart is always circulated through blood vessels.
✅ Closed circulatory system
Q 59: Give an example for animal group that has closed circulatory system.
✅ Annelids and chordates
Q 60: Number of heart chambers in fishes is
✅ 2
Q 61: ………………. and reptiles except crocodiles have 3-chambered heart with 2 atria and a ventricle.
✅ Amphibians
Q 62: In ………………. ventricle of heart is incompletely partitioned.
✅ Reptiles
Q 63: Number of heart chambers in crocodiles, birds & mammals is
✅ 4
Q 64: In fishes, heart receives impure blood only which is supplied into gills for oxygenation. This type of circulation is called
✅ Single circulation
Q 65: In amphibians and reptiles, oxygenated and deoxygenated blood mix in the single ventricle after entering separately through the atria. This is called
✅ Incomplete double circulation
Q 66: In birds and mammals, deoxygenated and oxygenated blood are pumped separately by the right and left sides of the heart without mixing. This is called
✅ Double circulation
Q 67: Heart is protected by double-layered ……………….
✅ Pericardium
Q 68: The pericardial space between pericardial membranes is filled with ……………….
✅ Pericardial fluid
Q 69: The atria are separated by an
✅ Inter-atrial septum
Q 70: The ventricles are separated by
✅ Inter-ventricular septum
Q 71: In between atrium and ventricle, there is a thick fibrous ………………. with an opening.
✅ Atrio-ventricular septum
Q 72: A ………………. guards the opening between right atrium & right ventricle.
✅ Tricuspid valve
Q 73: A ………………. guards the opening between left atrium and left ventricle.
✅ Bicuspid (mitral) valve
Q 74: The right ventricle opens into the pulmonary artery, and the left ventricle opens into the aorta. These openings have ………………. to prevent the backward flow of blood.
✅ Semi-lunar valves
Q 75: The nodal tissue present in the right upper corner of the right atrium of heart is called
✅ Sino-atrial node (SAN)
Q 76: The nodal tissue present in the lower left corner of the right atrium close to the atrio-ventricular septum is called
✅ Atrio-ventricular node (AVN)
Q 77: From the AVN, a bundle of fibrous ………………. passes through atrio-ventricular septa and divides into right & left branches.
✅ Atrio-ventricular bundle (AV bundle)
Q 78: Each branch of AV bundle passes through the ventricular walls of its side and breaks up into minute fibres called
✅ Purkinje fibres
Q 79: The Purkinje fibres along with the bundles are known as
✅ Bundle of His
Q 80: SAN initiates and maintains contraction of heart by generating action potentials. So, it is called the
✅ Pacemaker
Q 81: The cyclic contraction and relaxation of heart for pumping blood is called
✅ Cardiac cycle
Q 82: The relaxed state of all chambers of heart is called
✅ Joint diastole
Q 83: SAN generates an action potential causing contraction of both the atria. It is called
✅ Atrial systole
Q 84: Name the valves that open during atrial systole.
✅ Tricuspid and bicuspid valves
Q 85: The action potential is conducted to ventricular side by AVN & AV bundle from where bundle of His transmits it through the ventricular musculature. As a result, ventricles contract. It is called
✅ Ventricular systole
Q 86: Name the valves that open during ventricular systole.
✅ Semilunar valves
Q 87: The closure of the ………………. prevents the backflow of blood into the ventricles.
✅ Semilunar valves
Q 88: A cardiac cycle is completed in
✅ 0.8 seconds
Q 89: One heartbeat is equal to
✅ A cardiac cycle
Q 90: Number of normal heartbeat is
✅ 70-75 times/min
Q 91: The volume of blood pumped out by each ventricle during a cardiac cycle is called
✅ Stroke volume
Q 92: Stroke volume is about
✅ 70 ml
Q 93: The volume of blood pumped out by each ventricle per minute is called
✅ Cardiac output
Q 94: Normal cardiac output is about
✅ 5000 ml (5 litres)
Q 95: The first sound, lub is due to the closure of
✅ Tricuspid and bicuspid valves
Q 96: The second sound, dub is due to the closure of the
✅ Semilunar valves
Q 97: The graphical representation of the electrical activity of the heart during a cardiac cycle is called
✅ Electrocardiogram
Q 98: Name the instrument used to obtain electrocardiogram.
✅ Electrocardiograph (ECG)
Q 99: In ECG, the excitation (depolarization) of atria during atrial systole is represented by
✅ P-wave
Q 100: In ECG, depolarization of ventricles during Ventricular systole is represented by
✅ QRS-complex
Q 101: In ECG, T-wave represents the repolarisation of
✅ Ventricles


Q 102: The blood vessels which carry blood from heart to other tissues is called
✅ Arteries
Q 103: All arteries contain oxygenated blood except
✅ Pulmonary artery
Q 104: The smaller branches of arteries are called
✅ Arterioles
Q 105: Arteries and veins have three layers such as inner tunica intima, middle tunica media and outer ……………….
✅ Tunica externa
Q 106: The blood vessels which carry blood towards heart.
✅ Veins
Q 107: All veins contain deoxygenated blood except
✅ Pulmonary vein
Q 108: Smaller branches of veins are called
✅ Venules
Q 109: Which layer of veins is thin as compared to that of artery?
✅ Tunica media
Q 110: In tissues, arterioles divide into thin walled and single layered vessels. They are called
✅ Capillaries
Q 111: The circulation in which blood flows through the heart twice to complete its circuit is called
✅ Double circulation
Q 112: Circulation between lungs & heart is called
✅ Pulmonary circulation
Q 113: Circulation between heart and various body parts is called
✅ Systemic circulation
Q 114: Name the system which includes the hepatic portal vein that carries blood from intestine to the liver before it is delivered to systemic circulation.
✅ Hepatic portal system
Q 115: A system of coronary vessels that circulate blood to and from cardiac musculature is called
✅ Coronary circulatory system
Q 116: Normal activities of heart are auto-regulated by nodal tissues. So, it is called
✅ Myogenic heart
Q 117: Medulla oblongata regulates cardiac activity through
Q 118: ………………. of ANS increase the rate of heartbeat, the strength of ventricular contraction and cardiac output.
✅ Sympathetic nerves
Q 119: ………………. of ANS decrease the heartbeat, conduction of action potential and the cardiac output.
✅ Parasympathetic nerves


Q 120: Normal Blood Pressure of human is
✅ 120/80 mm Hg
Q 121: If an individual repeatedly has the Blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg or above, it is called
✅ Hypertension
Q 122: Deposition of Ca, fat, cholesterol and fibrous tissue in coronary arteries causes narrowing of the lumen of arteries and thereby affects the blood supply. This condition is called
✅ Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) or Atherosclerosis
Q 123: An acute chest pain due to O2 deficiency to heart muscles due to improper blood flow is called
✅ Angina (angina pectoris)
Q 124: The inability of heart to pump blood enough to meet the needs of the body causing congestion of the lungs is called
✅ Heart Failure (congestive heart failure)
Q 125: Sudden stop in heart beating is called
✅ Cardiac arrest
Q 126: Sudden damage of heart muscle due to inadequate blood supply is called
✅ Heart attack

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