7. Motion | Class 9 Science | PDF and Web notes

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  Chapter 7: MOTION

Motion is perceived when an object’s position changes over time, but it can also be inferred indirectly. E.g., moving dust or swaying leaves indicate air movement.

Sunrise, sunset, and changing seasons are caused by the Earth's motion. We don't directly perceive Earth's motion due to its steady and consistent movement.

Motion is relative. i.e., an object may seem moving to one person and stationary to another. E.g., passengers in a moving bus see trees moving backward, while a person on the roadside sees the bus moving. But a passenger inside the bus sees fellow passengers are at rest. 


To describe the position of an object, a reference point called the origin must be specified.


It is the simplest type of motion.

Consider an object moving from point O (reference point) along a straight path through points C, B, and A, then back to C through B.

The total path length (distance) covered by the object is 95 km (OA + AC = 60 km + 35 km).

Distance requires only magnitude (numerical value), not direction.

Displacement is the shortest distance (straight-line distance) from the initial to final position of an object.

The magnitude of displacement may differ from the distance. E.g., from O to A and back to B, the distance is 85 km (60 km + 25 km), while the displacement is 35 km.

The magnitude of displacement can be zero if the object returns to its starting point, but the distance covered would be the total path length. i.e., OA + AO = 60 km + 60 km = 120 km.

Distance & displacement are distinct physical quantities used to describe the motion and final position of an object relative to its initial position.

In automobiles, odometer shows the distance travelled. But displacement is determined using a road map or geographic tools.


If an object covers equal distances in equal intervals of time, it is called uniform motion. Here, the time interval should be small. E.g., moving of an object along a straight line 5 m in each second.

If an object covers unequal distances in equal intervals of time, it is called non-uniform motion. E.g., a car moving on a crowded street, a person jogging in a park.

Table showing uniform and non-uniform motion of two different objects A and B.


Distance travelled by object A in m (Uniform motion)

Distance travelled by object B in m

(Non-uniform motion)

9:30 am



9:45 am



10:00 am



10:15 am



10:30 am



10:45 am



11:00 am





Speed is a measure of how fast an object moves. It is the distance travelled by an object in a given unit time.

SI unit of speed is metre per second (m s–1 or m/s). Other units are centimetre per second (cm s–1) and kilometre per hour (km h–1). E.g., In cricket, bowling speed may be 140 km/hr. Traffic sign indicates speed limit like 50 km/hr.

To specify the speed, only its magnitude is required (no direction).

The speed of an object is often not constant due to non-uniform motion. So, the rate of motion is described as average speed.

If an object travels a distance s in time t, its speed v is,

E.g., If a car travels a distance of 100 km in 2 h, Its average speed is 50 km h–1. The car might not have travelled at 50 km h–1 all the time.

Problem: An object travels 16 m in 4 s and then another 16 m in 2 s. What is the average speed of the object?


Total distance travelled= 16 m + 16 m = 32 m

Total time taken = 4 s + 2 s = 6 s


-    The speed of an object moving in a definite direction is called velocity. Here, speed and direction are specified.

-    Velocity of an object can be uniform or variable. It can change by altering the object's speed, direction, or both.

-    When an object moves along a straight line at variable speed, its rate of motion is expressed as average velocity.

-    If the velocity changing at a uniform rate, average velocity (vav) is the arithmetic mean of initial velocity (u) and final velocity (v) for a given period of time.

Speed and velocity have the same units (m s–1 or m/s).

The sound of thunder takes some time to reach after seeing lightning because light travels faster than sound.

To measure the distance of lightning:

      ·    Use a stopwatch to record the time between seeing

lightning and hearing thunder.

      ·    Multiply the time by speed of sound in air (346 m/s).

E.g., if the time interval is 5 seconds:

Distance= 346 m/s × 5 s= 1730 m

Problem: The odometer of a car reads 2000 km at the start of a trip and 2400 km at the end of the trip. If the trip took 8 h, calculate average speed of the car in km h–1 and ms–1.


Distance covered by the car, s = 2400– 2000 = 400 km

Time elapsed, t = 8 h

Average speed of the car is,

Problem: Usha swims in a 90 m long pool. She covers 180 m in one minute by swimming from one end to the other and back along the same straight path.

Find the average speed and average velocity of Usha.


Total distance covered by Usha in 1 min is 180 m.

Displacement of Usha in 1 min = 0 m



During uniform motion along a straight line, the velocity remains constant. Here, change in velocity of the object for any time interval is zero.

In non-uniform motion, velocity varies with time. So, change in velocity during any time interval is not zero.

The change in velocity of an object is described by acceleration. It is the rate of change in the velocity per unit time.  

If the velocity of an object changes from an initial value u to the final value v in time t, the acceleration a is,

This kind of motion is known as accelerated motion.

The SI unit of acceleration is ms–2.

Acceleration is positive if it is in the direction of the velocity and negative if it is opposite to the direction of the velocity.

If an object travels in a straight line and its velocity changes by equal amounts in equal intervals of time, the acceleration is uniform (uniformly accelerated motion). E.g., motion of a freely falling body.

If an object’s velocity changes at a non-uniform rate, the acceleration is non-uniform. E.g., if a car travelling along a straight road increases its speed by unequal amounts in equal time intervals, it is in non-uniform acceleration.

Activity Answer:

 ·    Acceleration in the direction of motion: E.g., Accelerating car.

 ·    Acceleration against the direction of motion: E.g., Car braking.

 ·    Uniform acceleration: E.g., Free-falling object in a vacuum.

 ·    Non-uniform acceleration: E.g., Car accelerating in traffic.

Example: Starting from a stationary position, Rahul paddles his bicycle to attain a velocity of 6 m s–1 in 30 s. Then he applies brakes such that the velocity of the bicycle comes down to 4 m s-1 in the next 5 s. Calculate the acceleration of the bicycle in both the cases.


In the first case:

initial velocity, u = 0;

final velocity, v = 6 m s–1;

time, t = 30 s.

In the second case:

initial velocity, u = 6 m s–1;

final velocity, v = 4 m s–1;

time, t = 5 s.

The acceleration of the bicycle in the first case is 0.2 ms–2 and in the second case, it is –0.4 ms–2.



The change in the position of an object with time can be represented on the distance-time graph (time on the x-axis and distance on the y-axis).

They are used under conditions where objects move with uniform speed, non-uniform speed, remain at rest etc.

When an object travels equal distances in equal intervals of time, it moves with uniform speed. i.e., distance is directly proportional to time. Thus, for uniform speed, a graph of distance travelled against time is a straight line.

Distance-time graph of an object moving with uniform speed

The portion OB of the graph shows that the distance is increasing at a uniform rate. The term "uniform velocity" can be used instead of "uniform speed" if the magnitude of displacement is equal to the distance traveled.

Distance-time graph can be used to determine the speed of an object. Consider a segment AB. Draw a horizontal line from point A and a vertical line from point B. These lines intersect at point C, forming a triangle ABC. The time interval is represented by AC (t2 – t1) and the distance by BC (s2 – s1). As the object moves from point A to B, it covers a distance (s2 – s1) in the time interval (t2 – t1). Hence, the speed, v is

Distance-time graph can also be used to plot for accelerated motion. Table shows the distance travelled by a car in a time interval of two seconds.


Distance travelled by a car at regular time intervals

Time in seconds

Distance in metres
















Distance-time graph for a car moving with non-uniform speed

The graph shows nonlinear variation of the distance travelled by the car with time (non-uniform speed).


-    The change in velocity over time for an object moving in a straight line is represented by a velocity-time graph. Here, time is plotted on x-axis and velocity on y-axis.

Velocity-time graph for uniform motion of a car (40 km h–1)

If the object moves with uniform velocity, the graph will be a straight line parallel to the x-axis.

The product of velocity and time give displacement of an object moving with uniform velocity. The area enclosed by velocity-time graph and the time axis will be equal to the magnitude of the displacement.

To know the distance moved by the car between time t1 & t2, draw perpendiculars from the points corresponding to t1 and t2 on the graph. The velocity of 40 km h–1 is represented by the height AC or BD and the time (t2 – t1) is represented by the length AB.

So, the distance s moved by the car in time (t2 – t1) is

s = AC × CD

= [(40 km h–1) × (t2 – t1) h]

= 40 (t2– t1) km

= area of the rectangle ABDC.

Velocity-time graph is used to study uniformly accelerated motion. E.g., Consider a car is moving along a straight road. A passenger records the car's velocity every 5 seconds by observing the speedometer.

Time (s)

Velocity of the car

(m s–1)

(km h–1)






















Velocity of a car at regular instants of time

The velocity-time graph for the car's motion illustrates that velocity changes by equal amounts in equal time intervals. Hence, for uniformly accelerated motion, the velocity-time graph is a straight line.

Velocity-time graph for a car moving with uniform acceleration

The distance moved by the car can be determined from the velocity-time graph. The area under the graph gives the distance (magnitude of displacement) moved by the car in a given interval of time.

For uniform velocity, the distance is represented by the area ABCD under the graph. However, for accelerated motion, the distance s is given by the area ABCDE.

i.e., s = area ABCDE

= area of the rectangle ABCD + area of the triangle ADE

For non-uniform acceleration, the velocity-time graph takes various shapes as shown below:

Velocity-time graphs of an object in nonuniformly accelerated motion.

Fig. (a) shows the velocity of the object is decreasing with time (negative acceleration).

Fig. (b) shows the non-uniform variation of velocity of the object with time (irregular acceleration).


   The times of arrival and departure of a train at three stations A, B and C and the distance of stations B and C from station A are given below:


Distance from A (km)

Time of arrival (hours)

Time of departure (hours)













   Plot and interpret the distance-time graph for the train assuming that its motion between any two stations is uniform.



    Feroz and his sister Sania go to school on their bicycles. Both of them start at the same time from their home but take different times to reach the school although they follow the same route. The table shows the distance travelled by them in different times.


Distance travelled by Feroz (km)

Distance travelled by Sania (km)

8:00 am



8:05 am



8:10 am



8:15 am



8:20 am



8:25 am


    Plot the distance-time graph for their motions on the same scale and interpret.



When an object moves in a straight line with uniform acceleration, its velocity, acceleration, and distance can be related by equations of motion. The key equations are:

v = u + at

Velocity-time relation

s = ut + ½ at2

Position-time relation

2 as = v2 – u2

Position-velocity relation

Here, u is the initial velocity, v is the final velocity, a is the acceleration, t is the time, and s is the distance.

Example: A train starting from rest attains a velocity of 72 km h–1 in 5 minutes. Assuming that the acceleration is uniform, find (i) the acceleration and (ii) the distance travelled by the train for attaining this velocity.


u = 0; v = 72 km h–1 = 20 m s-1 and t = 5 minutes = 300 s.

(i) v = u + at

(ii) 2as = v2 – u2 = v2 – 0

Example: A car accelerates uniformly from 18 km h–1 to 36 km h–1 in 5 s. Calculate (i) the acceleration and (ii) the distance covered by the car in that time.


u = 18 km h–1 = 5 m s–1

v = 36 km h–1 = 10 m s–1

t = 5 s.

(i) v = u + at

(ii) Distance covered, s = ut + ½ at2

= 5 ms–1 × 5 s + ½ × 1 ms–2 × (5 s)2

= 25 m + 12.5 m = 37.5 m

Example: The brakes applied to a car produce an acceleration of 6 ms-2 in the opposite direction to the motion. If the car takes 2 s to stop after the application of brakes, calculate the distance it travels during this time.


a = – 6 m s–2;   t = 2 s    and v = 0 m s–1.

v = u + at

0 = u + (– 6 ms–2) × 2 s

u = 12 m s–1.

s = ut + ½ at2

= (12 ms–1) × (2 s) + ½ x (–6 m s–2) (2 s)2

= 24 m – 12 m = 12 m

Thus, the car moves 12 m before it stops after the application of brakes. It shows the importance of maintaining a safe following distance to account for braking distance, ensuring safety on the road.

Uniform Circular Motion

In some cases, an object does not change its magnitude of velocity but only its direction of motion.

Consider an athlete runs along a closed path of rectangular track ABCD at a uniform speed on the straight parts AB, BC, CD, and DA. To complete one round of the track, he needs to change direction at each corner. Thus, the direction of motion is changed 4 times.

Motion of an athlete along closed tracks of various shapes.

If the athlete runs along a hexagonal track ABCDEF, the direction will be changed 6 times to complete one round. For an octagon-shaped track ABCDEFGH, the direction will be changed 8 times. As the number of sides increases, number of direction changes also increases.

As the number of sides increases indefinitely, the track’s shape becomes a circle, and the length of each side decreases. If the athlete moves with constant speed along this circular path, the only change in velocity results from the continuous change in direction. Hence, motion along a circular path is an example of accelerated motion.

The circumference of a circle of radius r is 2Ï€r. If the athlete takes t seconds to go once around the circular path of radius r, the speed v is

When an object moves in a circular path with uniform speed, it is called uniform circular motion.


   Take a piece of thread and tie a small stone at one end. Move the stone to describe a circular path with constant speed by holding the thread at the other end.

A stone describing a circular path with a velocity of constant magnitude.

   When the stone is released, it moves in a straight line tangential to the circular path because it continues in the direction it was moving at the moment of release.

Release the stone at different points of the circular path. It consistently moves tangentially to the circle at the point of release. This shows that direction of motion changes continuously while moving along circular path.

When an athlete throws a hammer or a discus, it is held in a circular motion by rotating his body. Upon release, the hammer or discus continues moving in the direction it was traveling at the moment of release.

Other examples of uniform circular motion: The moon orbiting Earth, satellites in circular orbits, and a cyclist on a circular track at constant speed.

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