10. Work and Energy | Class 9 Science | PDF and Web notes

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  Chapter 10: WORK AND ENERGY



-    In science, work is done only when a force causes displacement. Other activities do not involve work. E.g.,

·   Studying, reading, drawing and doing experiments expend energy, but little 'work' is done.

·   Pushing a rock without moving it involves no work.

·   Standing still with a load on the head involves no work.

-    However, climbing stairs or a tree involves work as there is displacement in the direction of the applied force.


-    When a force is exerted on an object and the object is displaced (moved), work is done. E.g.,

·   Pushing a pebble or pulling a trolley causes movement.

·   Lifting a book requires force and the book moves.

·   A bullock pulling a cart involves force & displacement.

-    It means, two conditions must be met for work:

·   A force should act on the object.

·   The object must be displaced.


-    Work is defined as the product of force and displacement.

Work done = force × displacement

W = F s

W= the work done.

F= a constant force acting on an object.

s= displacement of the object in the direction of force.

-    Work has only magnitude and no direction.

-    If F = 1 N and s = 1 m, the work done, W = 1 N m.

-    The unit of work is newton metre (N m) or joule (J).

-    Thus 1 J is the work done when a force of 1 N displaces an object by 1 m in the direction of the force.

-    If the force is zero, the work done is also zero. Similarly, if the displacement is zero, no work is done.

Example: A force of 5 N is acting on an object. The object is displaced through 2 m in the direction of the force. If the force acts on the object all through the displacement, then work done is 5 N × 2 m =10 N m or 10 J.

Question: A force of 7 N acts on an object. The displacement is, say 8 m, in the direction of the force. Let us take it that the force acts on the object through the displacement. What is the work done in this case?


W = F s

Force (F) = 7 N              Displacement (s) = 8 m

Work done (W)= 7 N × 8 m = 56 Joules

-    When force and displacement occur in same direction, the work done is the product of force and displacement, and the work done is positive (e.g., a baby pulling a toy car horizontally).

-    When a retarding force F is applied in the opposite direction of a moving object, the angle between the force and displacement is 180°.

-    If the object stops after a displacement s, the work done by the force is negative. i.e., W= –F × s or F × (–s).

-    Thus, the work done by a force can be positive or negative.


    Lift an object up. The force exerted moves the object upwards, i.e., force is in the direction of displacement. Force of gravity acts downward on the object.

    The work done by the lifting force is positive because it is in the direction of displacement.

    The work done by gravity is negative because it acts opposite to the direction of displacement.

Example: A porter lifts a luggage of 15 kg from the ground and puts it on his head 1.5 m above the ground.

Calculate the work done by him on the luggage.


Mass of luggage, m = 15 kg and displacement, s = 1.5 m.

Work done, W = F × s = mg × s

= 15 kg × 10 m s-2 × 1.5 m

= 225 kg m s-2 m

= 225 N m = 225 J.


-    All objects acquire the capability of doing work through different means. E.g.,  

·    A fast-moving cricket ball hitting a stationary wicket causes the wicket to throw away.

·    An object raised to a height gains ability to do work.

·    A falling hammer drives a nail into wood.

·    A wound-up toy car moves when placed on the floor.

·    Pressing an air-filled balloon changes its shape. If pressed gently, it returns to its original shape when the force is withdrawn. If pressed hard, it explodes.

-    The capacity of an object to do work is called energy.

-    The object which does the work loses energy and the object on which the work is done gains energy.

-    An object can exert a force on another, transferring energy to the second object. So the second object moves and does work.

-    Energy is measured by its capacity to do work. So, the unit of energy is the same as that of work, i.e., joule (J), named after James Prescott Joule.

-    1 J is the energy required to do 1 joule of work.

-    1 kilo joule (kJ) = 1000 J.

-    Various forms energy: Mechanical energy (potential energy + kinetic energy), heat energy, chemical energy, electrical energy and light energy.


It is the energy possessed by an object due to its motion.


    Drop a heavy ball on a thick bed of wet sand from heights of 25 cm, 50 cm, 1 m, and 1.5 m. It creates depressions on the sand. The depth of the depression increases with height, as a ball dropped from a greater height has more kinetic energy. It exerts a stronger force on the sand and create a deeper dent.


    Set up the apparatus as shown in figure.

    Place a wooden block of known mass in front of the trolley at a fixed distance.

    Place a known mass on the pan to start trolley moving.

    The trolley hits the wooden block, causing the block to be displaced. A stop should be fixed on the table so the trolley stops after hitting the block.

    The displacement of the block indicates that work is done on it by the trolley, as the block has gained energy.

    This energy comes from the potential energy of the mass on the pan, converted into kinetic energy of the trolley.

    Increasing the mass on the pan increases the trolley's energy and results in greater displacement of the block, meaning more work is done.

    The moving trolley possesses energy as it performs work.

-    A moving object can do work. A faster object can do more work than a slower one. E.g., a moving bullet can pierce a target, wind can turn the blades of a windmill.

-    Objects in motion possess kinetic energy. E.g., A falling coconut, a speeding car, a rotating wheel, a rolling stone, a flying aircraft, flowing water, a running athlete etc. possess kinetic energy.

-    Kinetic energy increases with the speed.

-    The kinetic energy of a moving body is defined as the work done to accelerate it to its current velocity.

-    The work done on the object will cause a change in its velocity. Let its velocity change from u to v.

v2 – u2 = 2a s

F = m a

The work done, W = F s.

-    If the object is starting from its stationary position, i.e., u = 0, then

W = ½ m v2

The work done is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of an object. Thus, the kinetic energy (Ek) of an object with mass, m moving with a uniform velocity, v is

Ek = ½ m v2

Example: An object of mass 15 kg is moving with a uniform velocity of 4 m s–1. What is the kinetic energy possessed by the object?


Mass, m = 15 kg, velocity, v = 4 m s–1.

Kinetic energy, Ek = ½ m v2

½ × 15 kg × 4 m s–1 × 4 m s–1 = 120 J.

Example: What is the work to be done to increase the velocity of a car from 30 km h–1 to 60 km h–1 if the mass of the car is 1500 kg?


Mass of the car, m =1500 kg

The final velocity of the car, v = 60 km h–1 = 50/3 m s–1.

؞ the initial kinetic energy of the car, Eki = ½ m u2

= ½ × 1500 kg × (25/3 m s–1)2 = 156250/3 J.

The final kinetic energy of the car,

Ekf = ½ × 1500 kg × (50/3 m s–1)2 = 625000/3 J.

The work done = Change in kinetic energy

= EkfEki = 156250 J.


It is the stored energy of an object due to its position or configuration.

Activity 1

    When a rubber band is stretched, it acquires potential energy. This energy comes from the work done on the band by pulling it. When released, the stored energy is converted back into kinetic energy as the band returns to its original length.

Activity 2

    Take a slinky and stretch it by holding one end while moving away from the other end.

    Release the slinky. It returns to its original shape.

    Energy is stored as potential energy when stretched.

    Energy is also stored when compressed, acting as potential energy.

Activity 3

    Place a wound-up toy car on the ground. It moves.

    It acquires energy from the potential energy stored in the wound-up spring.

    The energy acquired depend on the number of windings. More windings store more potential energy.

    It can be tested by winding the car different numbers of times and measuring the distance it travels each time.

Activity 4

    Lift an object to a certain height. It can now do work.

    It begins to fall when released. This implies that it has acquired some energy.

    If raised to a greater height it can do more work and hence possesses more energy. This energy is acquired from the work done against gravity during lifting.

-    Energy transferred to an object is stored as potential energy if not used to change its velocity.

-    When a person stretches a rubber band, his energy is transferred to it, which becomes its potential energy.

-    Winding a toy car's key involves work, storing energy in the spring as potential energy.


    Make a bamboo bow, place a light stick arrow on it, stretch the string, and release the arrow.

    The arrow flies off as the shape of the bow changes. The potential energy stored in the bow due to the change of shape is used as kinetic energy to throw off the arrow.

An arrow and the stretched string on the bow


-    When an object is raised, work is done against gravity. So, its energy (gravitational potential energy) increases.

-    Gravitational potential energy is the work done to raise an object from the ground to a point against gravity.

-    Consider an object of mass, m is raised through a height, h from the ground.

-    The minimum force required to raise the object is equal to object’s weight, mg and the work done on the object against gravity is W.

i.e., work done, W = force × displacement

= mg × h          = mgh

-    This work equals potential energy (EP) gained by the object.

i.e., Ep = mgh

Potential energy of an object at a height varies depending on the chosen reference point (ground level or zero level). The same object can have different potential energy values based on the level used for measurement.

-    The work done by gravity depends on the difference in vertical heights between the initial and final positions of the object, not the path taken. Consider a block is raised from position A to B via two different paths. In both cases, height AB = h, and the work done is mgh.

Example: Find the energy possessed by an object of mass 10 kg when it is at a height of 6 m above the ground. Given, g = 9.8 m s–2.


Mass of the object, m = 10 kg

Displacement (height), h = 6 m

Acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.8 m s–2.

Potential energy = mgh

= 10 kg × 9.8 m s–2 × 6 m              = 588 J.

Example: An object of mass 12 kg is at a certain height above the ground. If the potential energy of the object is 480 J, find the height at which the object is with respect to the ground. Given, g = 10 m s–2.


Mass of the object, m = 12 kg

Potential energy, Ep = 480 J.

Ep = mgh

480 J = 12 kg × 10 m s–2 × h


Energy can be converted from one form to another.

Examples from Nature:

·   Green Plants: During photosynthesis, solar energy is converted into chemical energy.

·   Air Movement: Solar energy heats the Earth's surface, causing wind, converting solar energy into kinetic energy.

·   Fuels: Coal & petroleum store chemical energy formed from ancient organic matter over time.

·   Water Cycle: Solar energy drives evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, sustaining the cycle.

Human Activities & Gadgets:

·   Electric Bulb: Converts electrical energy to light & heat.

·   Car Engine: Converts chemical energy (fuel) to mechanical energy.

·   Wind Turbine: Converts kinetic energy (wind) to electrical energy.


-    It states that, energy can only be converted from one form to another; it can neither be created or destroyed. The total energy before and after the transformation remains the same.

-    This law is valid in all situations and for all kinds of transformations.

-    E.g., Let an object of mass, m is falling freely from a height, h. At the start, potential energy is mgh and kinetic energy is zero because its velocity is zero. Thus, total energy of the object is mgh.

-    As the object falls, potential energy decreases while kinetic energy increases. When it approaches the ground, height, h=0 and velocity, v will be the highest. Therefore, kinetic energy is greatest and potential energy is least. However, the total energy remains constant throughout the fall.

i.e., potential energy + kinetic energy = constant

or mgh + ½ mv2 = constant.

-    Sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of an object is its total mechanical energy.

-    During free fall, the decrease in potential energy at any point equals the increase in kinetic energy (here, effect of air resistance is ignored). Thus, there is a continual transformation of gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy.

Activity:  An object of mass 20 kg is dropped from a height of 4 m. Fill in the blanks in the following table by computing the potential energy and kinetic energy. g = 10 m s–2.


Height at which object is located



Potential energy

(Ep= mgh)


Kinetic energy

(Ek= mv2/2)


Ep + Ek




















Just above ground




-    If nature had no transformation of energy, life would not exist, as all organisms depend on energy conversions to sustain biological processes. E.g., plants convert solar energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis.



   Two children, A and B, of equal weight climb an 8-meter rope. A takes 15 seconds, while B takes 20 seconds to finish the task. Though both do the same work by reaching the same height, A finishes faster. It indicates A has a higher rate of work or power.

-    A stronger person does work faster. A more powerful vehicle completes a journey in a shorter time.

-    Machines like motorbikes and cars are classified based on how quickly they change energy or do work.

-    Power measures the speed of work done. It is defined as the rate of doing work or the rate of transfer of energy.

-    If an agent does a work W in time t, then

Power = work/time or P = W/t

-    Unit of power is watt (W) [in honour of James Watt].

-    1 watt is the power of an agent working at the rate of 1 joule per second.

-    Power is 1 W when the rate of consumption of energy is 1 J s–1. i.e., 1 watt (W) = 1 joule/second (1 J s–1).

-    Larger energy transfer rate is measured in kilowatts (kW).

-    1 kilowatt (kW)= 1000 watts (W) or 1000 J s–1.

-    Power of an agent may vary with time. This means that work may be done at different rates at different intervals of time. So, Average power is calculated by dividing total energy consumed by the total time taken.

Example: Two girls A and B, each of weight 400 N climb up a rope through a height of 8 m. A takes 20 s while B takes 50 s to accomplish this task. What is the power expended by each girl?


(i)   Power expended by girl A:

Weight of the girl, mg = 400 N

Displacement (height), h = 8 m

Time taken, t = 20 s

Power, P = Work done/time taken

(ii) Power expended by girl B:

Weight of the girl, mg = 400 N

Displacement (height), h = 8 m

Time taken, t = 50 s

Example: A boy of mass 50 kg runs up a staircase of 45 steps in 9 s. If the height of each step is 15 cm, find his power. Take g = 10 m s–2.


Weight of the boy, mg = 50 kg × 10 m s–2 = 500 N

Height of the staircase, h = 45 × 15/100 m = 6.75 m

Time taken to climb, t = 9 s

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