Chemical coordination and Integration | Class 11 | One-Word Answer type Questions | Topic - wise

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Q 1: Hormones are non-nutrient chemicals that act as ………………. and are produced in trace amounts.
✅ Intercellular messengers
Q 2: Name the cells of hypothalamus from which various hormones are secreted.
✅ Neurosecretory cells (nuclei)
Q 3: ………………. from hypothalamus stimulate secretion of pituitary hormones.
✅ Releasing hormones
Q 4: ………………. stimulates pituitary to release gonadotropins (FSH & LH).
✅ Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)
Q 5: ………………. is an inhibiting hormone from hypothalamus that Inhibits release of growth hormone from pituitary.
✅ Somatostatin
Q 6: Oxytocin and ………………. are transported axonally from hypothalamus and stored in pituitary.
✅ Vasopressin
Q 7: Pituitary gland is located in a bony cavity called ……………….
✅ Sella tursica
Q 8: Pituitary gland is attached to ………………. by a stalk.
✅ Hypothalamus
Q 9: Pituitary gland is divided into anterior Adenohypophysis & posterior ……………….
✅ Neurohypophysis
Q 10: ………………. of pituitary gland has 2 parts such as Pars distalis and Pars intermedia.
✅ Adenohypophysis
Q 11: The Growth hormone (GH) is secreted from ………………. of pituitary gland.
✅ Pars distalis (Anterior pituitary)
Q 12: Over-secretion of growth hormone (GH) causes an abnormal growth called
✅ Gigantism
Q 13: Hyposecretion of growth hormone (GH) causes stunted growth called
✅ Dwarfism
Q 14: Over-secretion of GH in adults, mainly in middle age, causes severe disfigurement especially of face. This disorder is known as
✅ Acromegaly
Q 15: Name the pituitary hormone that regulates growth of mammary glands and milk production.
✅ Prolactin (PRL)
Q 16: Which pituitary hormone stimulates thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormones?
✅ Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Q 17: Name the pituitary hormone that stimulates adrenal cortex to synthesise & secrete steroid hormones (glucocorticoids).
✅ Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
Q 18: FSH and ………………. are two pituitary hormones that regulate gonadal activity.
✅ LH
Q 19: In males, ………………. & androgens regulate sperm formation (spermatogenesis).
✅ Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Q 20: In females, FSH stimulates growth and development of ……………….
✅ Ovarian follicles
Q 21: Name the hormone that stimulates synthesis and secretion of androgens from testis.
✅ Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Q 22: Which hormone induces ovulation and maintains the corpus luteum in females?
✅ Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Q 23: Pars intermedia produces ………………. that acts on melanocytes to regulate skin pigmentation.
✅ Melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH)
Q 24: The hypothalamic hormones Oxytocin & Vasopressin are stored in ……………….
✅ Neurohypophysis (Pars nervosa or Posterior pituitary)
Q 25: Name the hormone which is responsible for contraction of smooth muscles.
✅ Oxytocin
Q 26: Name the hormone that stimulates contraction of uterus during child birth, and milk ejection from the mammary gland.
✅ Oxytocin
Q 27: Which hormone stimulates reabsorption of water & electrolytes by DCT of kidney to reduce diuresis (loss of water through urine)?
✅ Vasopressin or Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)
Q 28: Deficiency of ADH results in diminished ability of the kidney to conserve water. It leads to water loss and dehydration. This is called
✅ Diabetes insipidus
Q 29: Pineal gland is located on dorsal side of forebrain and secretes a hormone called ……………….
✅ Melatonin
Q 30: Name the hormone that regulates diurnal (24-hour) rhythm of body such as sleep-wake cycle, body temperature etc.
✅ Melatonin
Q 31: Name the gland which has 2 lobes interconnected by isthmus and is located on either side of trachea.
✅ Thyroid
Q 32: The thyroid hormone thyroxin is also known as
✅ Tetraiodothyronine (T4)
Q 33: Thyroxin and Triiodothyronine (T3) contains an element ………………. Which is essential for normal hormone synthesis in thyroid.
✅ Iodine
Q 34: Name the hormones which regulate basal metabolic rate (BMR), metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins & fats, supports RBC formation and maintain water and electrolyte balance.
✅ Thyroxin & Triiodothyronine (T3)
Q 35: Name the thyroid protein hormone which regulates (lowers) blood calcium levels.
✅ Thyrocalcitonin (TCT)
Q 36: Enlargement of thyroid gland due to deficiency of iodine is called
✅ Hypothyroidism (Goiter)
Q 37: Hypothyroidism during pregnancy affects the baby causing stunted growth called
✅ Cretinism
Q 38: Abnormal increase of thyroid hormones resulting in adverse effects on the physiological activities is called
✅ Hyperthyroidism
Q 39: ………………. is caused due to development of the nodules or the cancer of thyroid gland.
✅ Hyperthyroidism
Q 40: ………………. is a form of Hyperthyroidism which shows the symptoms such as enlargement of thyroid gland, protruded eyeballs, increased BMR & weight loss.
✅ Exophthalmic goiter (Grave’s disease)
Q 41: Four ………………. glands are present on back side of the thyroid gland, one pair each in the two lobes of thyroid gland.
✅ Parathyroid
Q 42: Name the peptide hormone secreted by parathyroid glands.
✅ Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Q 43: Name the hormone that increases Ca2+ level in blood, stimulates the bone resorption (demineralization), reabsorption of Ca2+ by the renal tubules and increases Ca2+ absorption from the digested food.
✅ Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Q 44: Along with TCT, ………………. helps in calcium balance in the body.
✅ Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Q 45: TCT is Hypocalcaemic hormone whereas ………………. is Hypercalcaemic hormone.
Q 46: ………………. is located between lungs behind sternum on the ventral side of aorta.
✅ Thymus gland
Q 47: Thymus secretes some peptide hormones called
✅ Thymosins
Q 48: Name the hormones that stimulate differentiation of T-lymphocytes to provide cell-mediated immunity and promote antibody production for humoral immunity.
✅ Thymosins
Q 49: ………………. is degenerated in old individuals that results in weak immune responses of old persons.
✅ Thymus
Q 50: Adrenal cortex has 3 layers such as inner zona reticularis, middle zona fasciculata and outer ……………….
✅ Zona glomerulosa
Q 51: ………………. is the main Glucocorticoids.
✅ Cortisol
Q 52: Name the hormone group secreted by adrenal cortex which is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, stimulate gluconeogenesis, lipolysis and proteolysis.
✅ Glucocorticoids
Q 53: Name the corticoid hormone that stimulates RBC production.
✅ Cortisol
Q 54: Name the corticoid hormone that produces anti-inflammatory reactions and suppress immune response.
✅ Glucocorticoids
Q 55: ………………. is the major Mineralocorticoid hormone.
✅ Aldosterone
Q 56: Name the corticoid hormone that regulate the water (body fluid volume), electrolytic balance, osmotic pressure and blood pressure.
✅ Mineralocorticoids/ Aldosterone
Q 57: ………………. stimulates reabsorption of Na+ & water from renal tubules and excretion of K+ and PO43- ions.
✅ Aldosterone
Q 58: Name the hormones secreted by adrenal cortex which stimulates growth of axial hair, pubic hair and facial hair during puberty.
✅ Androgenic corticoids
Q 59: Deficiency of corticoid hormones affects carbohydrate metabolism causing acute weakness and fatigue. This condition is called
✅ Addison’s disease
Q 60: Name the endocrine gland that produces catecholamine hormones such as Adrenaline (epinephrine) & Noradrenaline (norepinephrine).
✅ Adrenal medulla
Q 61: Adrenaline & Noradrenaline are rapidly secreted in response to stress emergency situations so called
✅ Emergency hormones (hormones of Fight or Flight)
Q 62: ………………. is a composite gland which acts as both exocrine and endocrine gland.
✅ Pancreas
Q 63: The endocrine part of the pancreas is called
✅ Islets of Langerhans
Q 64: There are about ………………. Islets in pancreas.
✅ 1-2 million
Q 65: In pancreatic islets, α cells secrete Glucagon whereas β cells secrete ……………….
✅ Insulin
Q 66: Name the hormones that maintain Glucose homeostasis in blood.
✅ Glucagon and Insulin
Q 67: Glucagon is Hyperglycemic factor whereas ………………. is Hypoglycemic factor.
✅ Insulin
Q 68: Glucagon stimulates hepatocytes for glycogenolysis increasing blood sugar level. This is called
✅ Hyperglycemia
Q 69: Name the pancreatic hormone that stimulates gluconeogenesis.
✅ Glucagon
Q 70: Insulin stimulates hepatocytes and adipocytes for rapid uptake and utilization of glucose from blood. Thus, blood glucose level decreases. This is called
✅ Hypoglycemia
Q 71: Name the pancreatic hormone that stimulates glycogenesis.
✅ Insulin
Q 72: Prolonged hyperglycemia leads to loss of glucose through urine and formation of harmful compounds like ketone bodies. This is called
✅ Diabetes mellitus
Q 73: Treatment of Diabetes mellitus is
✅ Insulin therapy
Q 74: ………………. acts as the male primary sex organ and an endocrine gland.
✅ Testis (male gonad)
Q 75: A pair of testes is present in the ……………….
✅ Scrotal sac
Q 76: Leydig (interstitial) cells in the inter-tubular spaces of testis produce the hormone ……………….
✅ Androgen / testosterone
Q 77: Name the hormone that regulate development, maturation and functions of the male accessory sex organs and stimulates Spermatogenesis (sperm production).
✅ Androgens
Q 78: In males, ………………. stimulate sexual behavior (libido), growth of muscles, hairs, aggressiveness, low pitch voice etc.
✅ Androgens
Q 79: ………………. acts as the female primary sex organ and an endocrine gland.
✅ Ovary (Female gonad)
Q 80: Ovarian follicles produce a steroid hormone called
✅ Estrogen
Q 81: After ovulation, ruptured follicle forms a structure called ……………….
✅ Corpus luteum
Q 82: Corpus luteum secretes a steroid hormone known as
✅ Progesterone
Q 83: Name the hormone that stimulates development of female secondary sex organs, secondary sex characters and sexual behavior, development of ovarian follicles & mammary glands.
✅ Estrogen
Q 84: Name the hormone that supports pregnancy and acts on mammary glands to stimulate formation of mammary alveoli and milk secretion.
✅ Progesterone


Q 85: Atrial wall of heart produces a peptide hormone called
✅ Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)
Q 86: When BP increases, ………………. causes dilation of blood vessels to reduce the BP.
✅ Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)
Q 87: JGA of kidney produces a peptide hormone called ………………. which stimulates erythropoiesis (formation of RBC).
✅ Erythropoietin
Q 88: ………………. is a Gastro-intestinal peptide hormone that stimulates gastric glands to secrete HCl and pepsinogen.
✅ Gastrin
Q 89: Name the peptide hormone that stimulates exocrine pancreas to secrete water and bicarbonate ions.
✅ Secretin
Q 90: Name the hormone that stimulates secretion of bile from gall bladder and pancreatic enzymes from pancreas. (CCK)
✅ Cholecystokinin
Q 91: Which hormone inhibits gastric secretion?
✅ Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)


Q 92: A hormone binds to its specific receptor to form ……………….
✅ Hormone-receptor complex
Q 93: Cortisol, testosterone, estradiol & progesterone are ………………. hormones.
✅ Steroids
Q 94: Thyroid hormones belong to the chemical group called
✅ Iodothyronines
Q 95: Name a hormone which is amino-acid derivative.
✅ Adrenaline, nor-adrenaline
Q 96: Some hormones such as FSH interact with ………………. that causes generation of second messengers.
✅ Membrane-bound receptors
Q 97: Name a second messenger.
✅ Cyclic AMP, IP3, Ca2+
Q 98: Steroid hormones, iodothyronines etc. interact with ………………. receptors.
✅ Intracellular receptors /nuclear receptors

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