Animal Kingdom | Class 11 | One-Word Answer type Questions | Topic - wise


Q 1: Name the phylum which shows cellular level of organization.
✅ Porifera
Q 2: The level of organisation of Cnidarians & Ctenophores are ……………….
✅ Tissue level
Q 3: The level of organization in Platyhelminthes is ……………….
✅ Organ & Organ system level
Q 4: The level of organization in higher animals is
✅ Organ system level
Q 5: In Cnidaria & Platyhelminthes, the digestive system has only a single opening that acts as mouth & anus. This type of digestive system is called
✅ Incomplete
Q 6: The type of circulatory system in which blood is pumped out of the heart and the cells and tissues are directly bathed in it is called
✅ Open type
Q 7: The type of circulatory system in which blood is circulated through a series of blood vessels is called
✅ Closed type
Q 8: The body of most sponges cannot be divided into two equal halves. Such animals are called
✅ Asymmetrical
Q 9: In Cnidarians, Ctenophores and adult Echinoderms, body can be divided into 2 equal halves in any vertical plane along central axis of the body. This is called
✅ Radial symmetry
Q 10: In animals like annelids, arthropods, etc., the body can be divided into identical left and right halves in only one plane. This is called
✅ Bilateral symmetry
Q 11: The animals such as Cnidarians & Ctenophores which have two germinal layers such as outer ectoderm and inner endoderm is called ……………….
✅ Diploblastic animals
Q 12: In diploblastic animals, there is an undifferentiated jelly-like layer called ………………. in between ectoderm and endoderm.
✅ Mesoglea
Q 13: The animals from Platyhelminthes to Chordata have 3 germinal layers such as outer ectoderm, middle mesoderm and inner endoderm. Such animals are called
✅ Triploblastic animals
Q 14: The body cavity, which is lined by mesoderm is called ……………….
✅ Coelom
Q 15: Coelom is seen between body wall and ……………….
✅ Gut wall
Q 16: The animals from Porifera to Platyhelminthes do not have coelom. So they are called
✅ Acoelomate
Q 17: In phylum Aschelminthes, the body cavity is not lined by mesoderm, instead, the mesoderm is present as scattered pouches in between ectoderm and endoderm. Such animals are called
✅ Pseudocoelomate
Q 18: The animals from Annelida to Chordata possess coelom. Such animals are called
✅ Coelomate
Q 19: The phenomenon in which the body or organs is externally and internally divided into repeated segments is called
✅ Segmentation
Q 20: In earthworm, the body shows specific pattern of segmentation called ……………….
✅ Metameric segmentation (metamerism)
Q 21: ………………. is a mesodermally derived supporting rod formed on the dorsal side during embryonic development in some animals.
✅ Notochord


Q 22: Porifera is commonly known as
✅ Sponges
Q 23: In sponges, Spongocoel & canals are lined with ……………….
✅ Choanocytes (collar cells)
Q 24: In sponges, body is supported by spicules and ……………….
✅ Spongin fibres
Q 25: Name a fresh water sponge.
Q 26: Sycon (Scypha), Euspongia (Bath sponge) etc. belong to the phylum
✅ Porifera
Q 27: In sponges, water enters through minute pores called
✅ Ostia
Q 28: The central cavity of sponges is called
✅ Spongocoel
Q 29: In sponges, water enters through ostia in the body wall into spongocoel, from where it goes out through osculum. This system is called
✅ Water canal (water transport) system
Q 30: In sponges, food gathering, gas exchange and removal of wastes are performed by
✅ Water canal system
Q 31: An animal has incomplete digestive system, intracellular & extracellular digestion and tentacles with cnidoblasts. Name its phylum.
✅ Cnidaria (Coelenterata)
Q 32: Name the finger-like structures which surrounds the mouth of coelenterates and used for food capture & defense.
✅ Tentacles
Q 33: In cnidarians, there are stinging cells on tentacle & body with poison-filled capsule (nematocyst). They are called
✅ Cnidoblasts (Cnidocytes)
Q 34: In cnidarians, specialised cells called ………………. is used for anchorage, defense and to capture prey.
✅ Cnidoblasts
Q 35: The body cavity of cnidarians is known as
✅ Gastrovascular cavity (coelenteron)
Q 36: The umbrella-like, free-swimming and sexually reproducing cnidarians are called
✅ Medusa
Q 37: The cylindrical, sessile and asexually reproducing cnidarians are called
✅ Polyps
Q 38: Give an example for cnidarian which has polyp form.
Hydra, Adamsia (Sea-anemone)
Q 39: Give an example for cnidarian which has medusa form.
Aurelia (Jelly fish)
Q 40: In some cnidarians such as Obelia, polyps produce medusae asexually and medusae form the polyps sexually. This phenomenon is called
✅ Alternation of generation (Metagenesis)
Q 41: Corals have skeleton made up of ……………….
✅ CaCO3
Q 42: Pennatula (Sea pen), Gorgonia (Sea fan), Meandrina (Brain coral) are some animals belonging to the phylum
✅ Cnidaria
Q 43: Name the cnidarian which is known as Portuguese man of war.
Q 44: Name the phylum which is commonly known as Comb jellies or Sea walnuts.
✅ Ctenophora
Q 45: An animal has tentacles and eight ciliated comb plates for locomotion. Identify its phylum.
✅ Ctenophora
Q 46: The ability of some animals such as ctenophores to emit light from the body is called
✅ Bioluminescence
Q 47: Give an example for a ctenophore.
Ctenoplana, Pleurobrachia
Q 48: An animal is bilaterally symmetrical, acoelomate and has dorsoventrally flattened body. Name its phylum.
✅ Platyhelminthes
Q 49: In Platyhelminthes (Flatworms), ………………. are used for excretion and osmoregulation.
✅ Flame cells
Q 50: In ………………., parasites have Hooks & suckers and some absorb nutrients from the host through their body surface.
✅ Platyhelminthes
Q 51: Give an example for a Platyhelminth.
Taenia solium (Tape worm), Fasciola (Liver fluke)
Q 52: Name a flatworm which shows high regeneration capacity.
Q 53: Aschelminthes is commonly known as
✅ Roundworms
Q 54: An animal’s body is circular in cross section, pseudocoelomate and has thick cuticle and tubular alimentary canal with well-developed muscular pharynx. Identify its phylum.
✅ Aschelminthes
Q 55: In Aschelminthes, an ………………. to remove body waste through excretory pore.
✅ Excretory tube
Q 56: Ascaris (Roundworm), Ancylostoma (Hookworm), Wuchereria (Filarial worm) are some animals belonging to the phylum
✅ Aschelminthes
Q 57: An animal has metameric segmentation like rings, longitudinal and circular muscles for locomotion and paired ganglia connected by lateral nerves to a double ventral nerve cord. Identify its phylum.
✅ Annelida
Q 58: Aquatic annelids such as Nereis have locomotory organ called
✅ Parapodia
Q 59: Excretory organ of annelids is
✅ Nephridia
Q 60: Annelids such as Pheretima (Earthworms) & Hirudinaria (blood sucking Leech) are monoecious whereas ………………. is dioecious.
Q 61: An animal body is divided into head, thorax & abdomen and has jointed appendages and chitinous cuticle. Identify its phylum.
✅ Arthropoda
Q 62: Which phylum has various respiratory organs such as Gills, book gills, trachea, book lungs etc.?
✅ Arthropoda
Q 63: Excretory organ of arthropods is
✅ Malpighian tubules
Q 64: Scorpion, Prawn, Insects etc. belong to the phylum ……………….
✅ Arthropoda
Q 65: Name an economically important insect.
Apis (Honeybee), Bombyx (Silk worm), Laccifer (Lac insect)
Q 66: Give an example for insect vector.
✅ Mosquitoes (Anopheles, Culex & Aedes)
Q 67: Give an example for gregarious pest insect.
Q 68: Name an arthropod which is considered as living fossil.
Limulus (King crab)
Q 69: Largest phylum: Arthropoda
          Second largest phylum: ……………….
✅ Mollusca
Q 70: An animal body has head, visceral hump & muscular foot, body is enclosed in a calcareous shell and head bears sensory tentacles. Identify its phylum.
✅ Mollusca
Q 71: The soft membrane which covers visceral mass of molluscs is called ……………….
✅ Mantle
Q 72: ………………. is the space between visceral hump & mantle which contains feather-like gills for respiration & excretion.
✅ Mantle cavity
Q 73: Name the file-like rasping organ in the mouth of molluscs which is used for feeding.
✅ Radula
Q 74: Give an example for mollusc.
Pila (Apple Snail), Pinctada (Pearl Oyster), Loligo (Squid)
Q 75: Sepia and Octopus are commonly known as Cuttlefish and Devil fish respectively. But they are not true fishes because they come under the phylum
✅ Mollusca
Q 76: Phylum Echinodermata is commonly known as
✅ Spiny-bodied animals
Q 77: An animal shows bilateral symmetry in larval stage and radial symmetry in adult stage. It has ventral mouth & dorsal anus; endoskeleton of calcareous ossicles. Identify its phylum.
✅ Echinodermata
Q 78: The most distinctive feature of echinoderms is the presence of ………………. which helps in locomotion, capture and transport of food and respiration.
✅ Water vascular system
Q 79: Asterias (Starfish), Cucumaria (Sea Cucumber) and Ophiura (Brittle Star) belong to the phylum ……………….
✅ Echinodermata
Q 80: Echinus: Sea Urchin
          Antedon: ……………….
✅ Sea Lily
Q 81: An animal has worm-like cylindrical body formed of anterior proboscis, a collar and a long trunk. Identify its phylum.
✅ Hemichordata
Q 82: In hemichordates, collar bears a rudimentary structure similar to notochord called ……………….
✅ Stomochord
Q 83: Excretory organ of hemichordate is
✅ Proboscis gland
Q 84: Give an example for Hemichordate.
Balanoglossus (Tongue worm), Saccoglossus


Q 85: An animal has notochord, dorsal tubular nerve cord, post anal part and pharyngeal gill slits. Name its phylum.
✅ Chordata
Q 86: Phylum Chordata is classified into 3 subphyla, Urochordata, Cephalochordata and ……………….
✅ Vertebrata
Q 87: Subphyla Urochordata and Cephalochordata are often referred to as
✅ Protochordates
Q 88: A chordate animal is hermaphrodite and has Notochord present only in larval tail. Identify its subphylum.
✅ Urochordata (Tunicata)
Q 89: Ascidia, Salpa, Doliolum are examples for animals coming under
✅ Urochordata
Q 90: In ………………., notochord is seen from head to tail region and is persistent throughout the life.
✅ Cephalochordata
Q 91: Give an example for cephalochordate.
Branchiostoma (Amphioxus or Lancelet)
Q 92: In ………………., notochord is replaced by a cartilaginous or bony vertebral column in the adult.
✅ Vertebrata
Q 93: A vertebrate animal is ectoparasite on some fishes, and has elongated body without scales and paired fins. Its mouth is sucking and circular without jaws. Identify its class.
✅ Cyclostomata
Q 94: Cyclostomata has 6-15 pairs of ………………. for respiration.
✅ Gill slits
Q 95: Marine, but migrate for spawning to fresh water. After spawning, they die. Their larvae, after metamorphosis, return to ocean. Identify the class.
✅ Cyclostomata
Q 96: Give an example for a cyclostome.
Petromyzon (Lamprey) or Myxine (Hagfish)
Q 97: The classes Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes belong to the superclass ……………….
✅ Pisces (Fishes)
Q 98: Cartilaginous fishes: Chondrichthyes
          Bony fishes: ……………….
✅ Osteichthyes
Q 99: Name a Gnathostomata class in which notochord is persistent throughout life and has gill slits without operculum.
✅ Chondrichthyes
Q 100: Chondrichthyes: Ventral mouth.
            Osteichthyes: ……………….
✅ Terminal mouth
Q 101: In Chondrichthyes, skin is covered with ………………. Scales.
✅ Placoid
Q 102: Teeth of Chondrichthyes are modified ………………. which are backwardly directed.
✅ Placoid scales
Q 103: Cartilaginous fishes have to swim constantly to avoid sinking due to the absence of ……………….
✅ Air bladder
Q 104: Animals that lack the capacity to regulate their body temperature is called
✅ Poikilotherms (cold-blooded)
Q 105: Number heart chambers in Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes is
✅ 2
Q 106: In male Chondrichthyes, pelvic fins bear
✅ Claspers
Q 107: Scoliodon (Dogfish), Pristis (Saw fish), Carcharodon (Great white shark) etc. are examples for the class
✅ Chondrichthyes
Q 108: Name a cartilaginous fish which has poison sting.
Trygon (Sting ray)
Q 109: Name a cartilaginous fish which has electric organ.
Torpedo (Electric ray)
Q 110: Osteichthyes have 4 pairs of gills covered by ………………. on each side.
✅ Operculum
Q 111: What type of scales are present in bony fishes?
✅ Cycloid or ctenoid
Q 112: In Osteichthyes, there is ………………. used for buoyancy.
✅ Air bladder
Q 113: Give an example for marine bony fish.
Exocoetus (flying fish), Hippocampus (seahorse)
Q 114: Give an example for fresh water bony fish.
Labeo (Rohu), Catla (Katla), Clarias (Magur)
Q 115: Give an example for Aquarium bony fish.
Betta (Fighting fish), Pterophyllum (Angel fish)
Q 116: Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia belong to the superclass
✅ Tetrapoda
Q 117: A vertebrate animal can live in aquatic & terrestrial habitats; its skin is moist without scales; Respiration is by gills (in larva), lungs & skin. Identify its class.
✅ Amphibia
Q 118: Number heart chambers in Amphibia is
✅ 3
Q 119: In amphibia, alimentary canal, urinary & reproductive tracts open into a ………………. which opens to exterior.
✅ Cloaca
Q 120: Rana (Frog), Hyla (Tree frog), Bufo (Toad) and salamanders belong to the class
✅ Amphibia
Q 121: Name a limbless amphibia.
Q 122: A vertebrate animal has dry & cornified skin, epidermal scales or scutes and shows crawling mode of locomotion. Identify its class.
✅ Reptilia
Q 123: All kinds of snakes, lizards, crocodiles, Alligator belong to the class
✅ Reptilia
Q 124: Snakes and lizards shed their scales as
✅ Skin cast
Q 125: In reptiles, heart is usually three-chambered, but four chambered in ……………….
✅ Crocodiles
Q 126: Note the relationship between first two words and fill up the fourth place.
Turtle: Chelone
            Tortoise: ……………….
Q 127: Chameleon: Tree lizard
            Calotes: ……………….
✅ Garden lizard
Q 128: Hemidactylus is commonly known as
✅ Wall lizard
Q 129: Give an example for a poisonous snake.
Naja (Cobra), Bangarus (Krait), Vipera (Viper)
Q 130: A group of animals have feathers and beak; forelimbs are modified into wings. They have hollow & pneumatic long bones. Identify their class.
✅ Class Aves (Birds)
Q 131: In class Aves, skin is dry without glands except the ………………. at the base of tail.
✅ Oil gland
Q 132: The animals which have the ability to maintain a constant body temperature is called
✅ Homoiotherms (warm-blooded)
Q 133: In birds, the digestive tract has additional chambers such as the crop and ……………….
✅ Gizzard
Q 134: In birds, ………………. connected to lungs supplement respiration.
✅ Air sacs
Q 135: Note the relationship between first two words and fill up the fourth place.
Corvus: Crow
            Columba: ……………….
✅ Pigeon
Q 136: Give an example for animal that belongs to class Aves.
Psittacula (Parrot), Pavo (Peacock), Neophron (Vulture)
Q 137: Give an example for flightless bird.
Struthio (Ostrich), Aptenodytes (Penguin)
Q 138: An animal has mammary glands, hairs on skin, ear pinnae and different types of teeth. The animal belongs to the class
✅ Mammalia
Q 139: How many chambers are present in the heart of Aves and Mammals?
✅ 4
Q 140: Birds and ………………. are homoiotherms.
✅ Mammals
Q 141: Mammals are generally Viviparous except some animals such as ……………….
Ornithorhynchus (Platypus)
Q 142: Macropus: Kangaroo
            Pteropus: ……………….
✅ Flying fox
Q 143: Delphinus: Common dolphin
            Balaenoptera: ……………….
✅ Blue whale
Q 144: Animals such as Camelus (Camel), Macaca (Monkey), Rattus (Rat), Canis (dog), Felis (Cat) etc. belong to the class
✅ Mammalia

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