One-Word Answer type Questions | Topic - wise | Class 11 and 12

Class 11 Chapters

01. The living world

02. Biological classification

03. Plant kingdom

04. Animal kingdom

05. Morphology of flowering plants

06. Anatomy of flowering plants

07. Structural organization in animals

08. Cell-the unit of life

09. Biomolecules

10. Cell cycle and cell division

11. Transport in plants

12. Mineral nutrition

13. Photosynthesis

14. Respiration in plants

15. Plant growth and development

16. Digestion and Absorption

17. Breathing and exchange of gases

18. Body fluids and circulation

19. Excretory Products and their elimination

20. Locomotion and movement

21. Neural control and co-ordination

22. Chemical Coordination and Integration

Class 12 Chapters

01. Reproduction in organisms

02. Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

03. Human reproduction

04. Reproductive health

05. Principles of inheritance and variation

06. Molecular basis of inheritance

07. Evolution

08. Human health and diseases

09. Strategies for enhancement in food production

10. Microbes in human welfare

11. Biotechnology: Principles and processes

12. Biotechnology and its applications

13. Organisms and populations

14. Ecosystem

15. Biodiversity and conservation

16. Environmental issues

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