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I. Answer any 3 questions from 1 – 5. Each carries 1 score. (3 x 1 = 3)

01) Note the relationship between first two words and fill up the blank.

Green algae: Chlorophyceae

Red algae: ……………….

✅ Rhodophyceae

02) Complete the sentence:

The pigments for photosynthesis are organised into two discrete photochemical light harvesting complexes (LHC) within the ………………. and ……………….

✅ Photosystem I (PS I), Photosystem II (PS II)

03) Expand ETS.

✅ Electron Transport System

04) Identify the type of vascular bundle given below:

✅ Conjoint open

05) Reserve materials in prokaryotic cells are stored in cytoplasm as inclusion bodies. Name any two of them.

✅ Phosphate granules, cyanophycean granules and glycogen granules.

II. Answer any 9 questions from 6 – 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9 x 2 = 18)

06) Distinguish between dedifferentiation and redifferentiation.


Under certain conditions, living differentiated cells regain the capacity of division. It is called dedifferentiation. E.g. formation of meristems (interfascicular cambium & cork cambium) from differentiated parenchyma cells.

The dedifferentiated cells can divide and produce cells that again lose the capacity to divide but mature to perform specific functions. It is called redifferentiation.

07) A diagrammatic view of cell cycle indicating formation of two cells from one cell is given below. Label A to D.


A= G1 phase

B= S phase, C= G2 phase, C= M phase

08) Match the following:


09) Write any two economic importance of bryophytes.


▪️ Some mosses provide food for herbaceous mammals, birds and other animals.

▪️ Species of Sphagnum (a moss) provide peat. It is used as fuel.

10) Observe the diagram and label the parts noted as A, B, C and D.


A = Region of maturation

B= Region of elongation

C= Region of meristematic activity

D= Root cap

11) Column A represents chromosomal behaviour during different sub-stages of Prophase I of Meiosis I. Fill up the blanks in Column B.


(i) Pachytene

(ii) Diplotene

(iii) Zygotene

(v) Diakinesis

12) Plants that are adapted to dry tropical regions have the C4 pathway. Write any two advantages of C4 plants.


• They have a special type of leaf anatomy (Kranz).

• They tolerate higher temperatures.

• They show a response to high light intensities.

13) Differentiate lactic acid fermentation from alcoholic fermentation.


Alcoholic fermentation: Here, the pyruvic acid formed from glucose is converted to CO2 and ethanol. The enzymes, pyruvic acid decarboxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase catalyse these reactions. E.g. Yeast.

Lactic acid fermentation: Here, pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid. E.g. Some bacteria.

14) Briefly explain about primary growth and secondary growth in plants.


Primary growth: It occurs due to root apical meristem & shoot apical meristem. It causes the elongation of the plants along the axis.

Secondary growth: In gymnosperms & dicots. It occurs due to lateral meristems, vascular cambium & cork-cambium. It causes increase in the girth of organs.

15) In glycolysis, ATP is utilized at two steps only. Write down these two steps.


ATP is utilized at 2 steps:

a) In the conversion of glucose into glucose 6-phosphate.

b) In the conversion of fructose 6-phosphate to fructose 1, 6-diphosphate.

16) Define “The law of limiting factors”. Write any two external factors which directly affect the rate of photosynthesis.


Blackman’s Law of Limiting Factors (1905): “If a biochemical process is affected by more than one factor, its rate is determined by the factor nearest to its minimal value: it is the factor which directly affects the process if its quantity is changed.”

External factors: Sunlight, temperature, CO2 concentration and water.

III. Answer any 3 questions from 17 – 20. Each carries 3 scores. (3 x 3 = 9)

17) C4 plants have large cells around the vascular bundles of leaves called bundle sheath cells.

a) What is this anatomy called?

b) Write any two features of bundle sheath cells.


(a) Kranz’ anatomy.

(b) Bundle sheath cells may form several layers around the vascular bundles. They have many chloroplasts, thick walls impervious to gas exchange and no intercellular spaces.

18) a) Write down the floral formula of family Solanaceae.

b) Explain the following floral characters of this family.

(i) Infloresncence

(ii) Androecium


b) (i) Inflorescence: Solitary, axillary or cymose as in Solanum.

(ii) Androecium: stamens five, epipetalous.

19) Following are the diagrams showing primary structure of dicot stem (A) and monocot stem (B). Write any three differences between them.


20) Given below is the diagram of a cell organelle.

a) Identify the organelle and name the scientist who discovered this.

b) Write any two functions of this organelle.


(a) Golgi bodies. Camillo Golgi discovered this.

(b) Functions:

i.Packaging of materials.

ii. Formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids.


I. Answer any 3 questions from 1 – 5. Each carries 1 score. (3 x 1 = 3)

01) Note the relationship between words in first pair and fill up the fourth place.

First word of Binomial nomenclature: Generic name

Second word of Binomial nomenclature: ……………….

✅ Specific epithet /Species name.

02) Complete the following sentence:

Hormones which interact with membrane-bound receptors normally do not enter the target cell, but generate ……………….

✅ Second messengers

03) In a protein molecule, amino acids are linked by

(a) Glycosidic bond        (b) Hydrogen bond

(c) Peptide bond        (d) Diester bond

✅ (c) Peptide bond

04) In human being, the sound is produced by

(a) Pharynx        (b) Larynx

(c) Trachea        (d) Bronchi

✅ (b) Larynx

05) Pick the odd one out:

(a) Pila        (b) Nereis

(c) Sepia        (d) Loligo

✅ (b) Nereis

II. Answer any 9 questions from 6 – 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9 x 2 = 18)

06) Observe the diagram of reproductive system of female frog. Label the parts A to E (Any four).


A= Oviduct

B= Ovary

C= Ova

D= Cloaca

E= Cloacal aperture

07) Distinguish between polyp and medusa with suitable example.


Cnidarians exhibit two basic body forms called polyp and medusa.

Polyp is a sessile and cylindrical form. E.g., Adamsia

Medusa is umbrella-shaped and free-swimming. E.g., Aurelia or jelly fish.

08) Briefly explain the process of hemodialysis.


Hemodialysis is a process of removal of urea in patients with uremia.

Blood drained from a convenient artery is pumped into dialyzing unit after adding anticoagulant like heparin.

The porous cellophane membrane of the tube allows the passage of molecules based on concentration gradient.

As nitrogenous wastes are absent in dialyzing fluid, these substances freely move out, thereby clearing the blood.

The purified blood is pumped back to the body through a vein after adding anti-heparin to it.

09) Name the following:

(a) A living fossil arthropod.

(b) Second largest animal phylum.

(c) The phylum in which adults are radially symmetrical but larvae are bilaterally symmetrical.

(d) A jawless vertebrate.


(a) Limulus (King crab)

(b) Mollusca

(c) Echinodermata

(d) Petromyzon (Lamprey) or Myxine (Hagfish)

10) Differentiate between

(a) Apoenzyme and Coenzyme

(b) Lyases and Ligases


(a) Apoenzyme is a protein portion of the enzyme.

Coenzymes are a type of organic that transiently bind to apoenzyme.

(b) Lyases are a class of enzymes that catalyze removal of groups by mechanisms other than hydrolysis leaving double bonds.

Ligases are another class of enzymes that catalyze linking of two compounds together.

11) Observe the picture.
(a) Identify the structure and name the phylum in which this structure is found.

(b) Mention any two functions of this structure.


(a) Cnidoblast. It is found in phylum Cnidaria.

(b) It is used for defense and to capture prey.

12) (a) What is normal respiratory rate?

(b) Name an instrument used for measuring volume of air.

(c) Mention its clinical significance.


(a) 12-16 times/min

(b) Spirometer.

(c) It helps in clinical assessment of pulmonary functions.

13) Identify two wrong statements among the following and correct it.

(a) Plasma without the clotting factors is called serum.

(b) RBC is multinucleated in Human.

(c) Neutrophils, Lymphocytes and Basophils are granulocytes.

(d) Neutrophils and Monocytes are phagocytic cells.


(b) Wrong. RBC is nonnucleated in Human.

(c) Wrong. Neutrophils, Eosinophils and Basophils are granulocytes.

14) (a) Name any two synovial joints in our body.

(b) Where is it located?


(a) Ball and socket joint, Hinge joint.

(b) Ball and socket joint is located Between humerus & pectoral girdle.

Hinge joint is located at elbow, knee etc.

15) Fill up the table using appropriate terms.


(a) ADH

(b) Diabetes mellitus

(c) Thyroid

(d) Pituitary gland (Anterior pituitary)

16) ANF is a regulatory mechanism in kidney functioning.

(a) Expand ANF.

(b) Which part of the body secrete ANF?

(c) Explain the regulatory mechanism.


(a) Atrial Natriuretic Factor.

(b) Atria of heart.

(c) ANF causes vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels) to decrease the blood pressure.

III. Answer any 3 questions from 17 – 20. Each carries 3 scores. (3 x 3 = 9)

17) Observe the figure.
(a) Identify the picture.

(b) Label the parts A, B and C.

(c) Write the function of D.


(a) Neuron


A= Dendrites

B= Cell body

C= Axon

D= Synaptic knob

(c) The synaptic knob contains synaptic vesicle filled with neurotransmitters. They are responsible for transmitting signals to other neurons or cells.

18) This condition can be avoided by administering anti Rh antibodies to the mother immediately after the delivery of the first child.

(a) Identify this condition.

(b) Write the reason for this condition.

(c) Write the symptoms of the foetus born in this condition.


(a) Erythroblastosis foetalis.

(b) It is due to Rh incompatibility between the Rh-ve blood of a pregnant mother and Rh+ve blood of the foetus. In second pregnancy, the Rh antibodies from the mother leak into the foetal blood (Rh+ve) and destroy the foetal RBCs.

(c) Severe anaemia and jaundice.

19) Presence of Choanocytes is the characteristic feature of this phylum.

(a) Identify the phylum.

(b) Write any four other characteristics of this phylum.

(c) Give one example of this phylum.


(a) Phylum Porifera.


i. Water canal system with ostia, spongocoel & osculum

ii. Cellular level of organisation

iii. Spicules and spongin fibres are present

iv. Digestion is intracellular

(c) Sycon, Spongilla etc.

20) Observe the relaxed unit of a muscle given below.
(a) Label A, B & C.

(b) Redraw the diagram when the muscle unit is maximally contracted.

(c) Repeated activation of the muscle can lead to fatigue. Justify.


(a) A= Actin

B= Myosin

C= Z line


(c) Repeated activation of muscles leads to anaerobic breakdown of glycogen causing the accumulation of lactic acid. It results in muscle fatigue.

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