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I. Answer any 3 questions from 1 – 5. Each carries 1 score. (3 x 1 = 3)

01) Who among the following scientists is related with the identification of cytokinins?

a) E. Kurosawa        b) F. Skoog

c) C. Darwin        d) F.W. Went

✅ b) F. Skoog

02) The C4 pathway is also known as ………………

✅ Hatch and Slack pathway

03) Genera like Selaginella and Salvinia which produce two kinds of spores, macro (large) and micro (small) spores, are known as ………………

✅ Heterosporous

04) Bacteria can be classified into two groups on the basis of the differences in the cell envelopes and the manner in which they respond to the staining procedure developed by Gram. They are ………………. and ……………….

✅ Gram positive and Gram negative

05) Note the relationship between first two terms and fill the fourth place.

Nuclear division: karyokinesis

Division of cytoplasm: ……………….

✅ Cytokinesis

II. Answer any 9 questions from 6 – 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9 x 2 = 18)

06) Algae are useful to man in a variety of ways. Suggest any four uses of algae.


▪️ Algae help in CO2 fixation by photosynthesis.

▪️ Increase level of oxygen.

▪️ Primary producers of ocean.

▪️ Used as food.

07) Read the following statements and state true or false. Also the correct the wrong statements.

i) Methanogens are present in the guts of ruminant animals.

ii) Mycoplasma has distinct cell wall.

iii) Viroids are infectious naked DNA molecules.

iv) Algal component of lichen is phycobiont.


i) True.

ii) False. Mycoplasma does not have a distinct cell wall.

iii) False. Viroids are infectious naked RNA molecules.

iv) True.

08) An important difference between C3 & C4 plants is photorespiration. Explain how photorespiration occurs in C3 plants.


In C3 plants some O2 bind to RuBisCO. Hence CO2 fixation is decreased. Here RuBP binds with O2 to form one molecule of phosphoglycerate and phosphoglycolate. This pathway is called photorespiration. In this pathway, there is no synthesis of sugars, ATP and NADPH. Hence photorespiration is a wasteful process. Rather it causes the release of CO2 by using ATP.
09) Write any four agricultural applications of ethylene.


Agricultural applications of ethylene:

▪️ Influences horizontal growth of seedlings, swelling of the axis and apical hook formation in dicot seedlings.

▪️ Promotes senescence and abscission of plant organs especially of leaves and flowers.

▪️ Promotes fruit ripening.

▪️ Breaks seed and bud dormancy, initiates germination in peanut seeds, sprouting of potato tubers.

10) Define Blackman's law of limiting factors and identify any two important factors which influence the rate of photosynthesis in plants.


Blackman's law of limiting factors: “If a biochemical process is affected by more than one factor, its rate is determined by the factor nearest to its minimal value: it is the factor which directly affects the process if its quantity is changed.”

Factors which influence the rate of photosynthesis in plants:

• Internal (plant) factors: The number, size, age and orientation of leaves, mesophyll cells and chloroplasts, internal CO2 concentration and amount of chlorophyll.

• External factors: Sunlight, temperature, CO2 concentration and water.

11) Given below is a diagram showing parts of a fruit. Label A, B, C and D.


A= Epicarp

B= Mesocarp

C= Seed

D= Endocarp.

12) How can you differentiate an actinomorphic flower from a zygomorphic flower?


▪️ Actinomorphic: Here, a flower can be divided into 2 equal radial halves in any radial plane passing through centre.

▪️ Zygomorphic: Here, a flower can be divided into two similar halves only in one particular vertical plane.

13) In an anatomy lab, Ramu and Salim were taking transverse sections (T.S) of two specimens, A and B respectively. Their observations are given in the table. Complete the table.


14) Given below is a Summary equation of Krebs’ cycle. Complete it.

Pyruvic acid + 4NAD+ + FAD+ + 2H2O + ADP + Pi (Mitochondrial matrix) →

……… + ……… + ……… + ……… + ………


3CO2 + 4NADH + 4H+ + FADH2 + ATP
15) Removal of terminal buds is a usual practice in tea plantation. Explain the reason.


In higher plants, the growing apical bud inhibits the growth of lateral (axillary) buds. It is known as apical dominance. Removal of shoot tips (decapitation) results in the growth of lateral buds. It makes the tea plants bushier and increases their yield.
16) The tissue between the upper and lower epidermis in dorsi- ventral leaf is called mesophyll tissue.

(a) Name the two types of cells seen in mesophyll tissue.

(b) What is the function of mesophyll tissue?


(a) Palisade mesophyll and Spongy mesophyll

(b) They have role in photosynthesis.

III. Answer any 3 questions from 17 – 20. Each carries 3 scores. (3 x 3 = 9)

17) a) Identify a cell organelle which contains hydrolytic enzymes.

b) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) and Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER) are morphologically and functionally different. Justify this statement.


a) Lysosome.

b) Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER): Bear ribosomes on their surface. RER is frequently observed in the cells actively involved in protein synthesis and secretion. They extend to the outer membrane of the nucleus.

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER): Ribosomes are absent. SER is the major site for synthesis of lipid. In animal cells lipid-like steroidal hormones are synthesized in SER.

18) Given below is the metaphase of mitosis. Analyze the diagram and draw a sketch of anaphase. Write any two events of anaphase.


Two events of anaphase:

• Centromere of each chromosome divides longitudinally resulting in the formation of two daughter chromatids.

• As the spindle fibres contract, the chromatids move from the equator to the opposite poles.

19) According to Chemiosmotic hypothesis, breakdown of proton gradient leads to synthesis of ATP by the ATP synthase enzyme. Explain the two parts of ATP synthase.


The ATP synthase consists of two parts:

a) CF0: It is embedded in the membrane and forms a trans-membrane channel. It carries out facilitated diffusion of protons across the membrane to the stroma. It results in breakdown of proton gradient.

b) CF1: It protrudes outer to the thylakoid membrane. The energy due to breakdown of gradient causes a conformational change in the CF1 particle. It makes the enzyme to synthesise ATP molecules.

20) Glycolysis is the partial oxidation of glucose to produce two molecules of pyruvic acid. Steps of glycolysis are given below. Fill up the blank boxes.


A – glucose 6-phosphate

B – fructose 6-phosphate

C – fructose 1, 6-diphosphate

D – 1, 3-bisphosphoglyceric acid (DPGA)

E – 2 phosphoglyceric acid

F – Phosphoenol pyruvic acid


I. Answer any 3 questions from 1 – 5. Each carries 1 score. (3 x 1 = 3)

01) Potato, nightshade & brinjal are species of genus ……………….


02) Cerebral hemispheres of human brain are connected by ...................

i) association area

ii) corpus callosum

iii) corpora quadrigemina

iv) pons varolii

✅ ii) corpus callosum

03) Among the different phyla of animals ....................... have pseudocoelom.

✅ Aschelminthes (Roundworms)

04) Select the wrongly matched pair from the following:

✅ Antibody – Sensory receptor

05) In human body, 97% of oxygen from lungs is transported through blood as ……………….

✅ Oxyhemoglobin

II. Answer any 9 questions from 6 – 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9 x 2 = 18)

06) Name any two features of frog’s circulatory system that are not seen in human circulatory system.


▪️ Frog’s heart is three-chambered.

▪️ Frog’s heart has the structures sinus venosus and conus arteriosus.

▪️ Frogs have nucleated RBCs.

07) Categorize the following animals under radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry.

Physalia, Tapeworm, Fasciola, Adamsia


Radial symmetry: Physalia, Adamsia

Bilateral symmetry: Tapeworm, Fasciola

08) Snail is terrestrial and Octopus is aquatic. But both are included under same phylum.

a) Name the phylum in which they belong.

b) Give any three reasons for including them in same phylum.


(a) Mollusca

(b) Snail and octopus have some common features such as

• Presence of visceral mass

• Mantle cavity

• File-like rasping organ called Radula.

09) Identify the given biomolecules.


A= Adenylic acid or Adenosine phosphate

B= Cholesterol

C= Ribose

D= Uracil

10) (a) Complete the following chart based on the hints given in the brackets.

(LMM, Actin, Tropomyosin, Meromyosin)
(b) Expand HMM and LMM.


(a) A – Meromyosin


(b) HMM= Heavy meromyosin

LMM= Light meromyosin
11) Observe the diagram and label A, B, C and D.


A – Axonite

B – Synaptic vesicle

C – Synaptic cleft

D – Neurotransmitter (or example)

12) Differentiate the process of inspiration and expiration.


13) Match the given list of animals and excretory organs.


14) Name the four Structural levels of protein.


Primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure and quaternary structure.
15) State whether true or false. Also correct the false statements.

a) Tissue (interstitial) fluid is formed from blood.

b) Tissue fluid has different mineral distribution as compared to plasma.

c) Some tissue fluid enters lymphatic system and becomes lymph which then drains back to major arteries.

d) Lymph is a colourless fluid containing lymphocytes.


(a) True.

(b) False. Tissue fluid has same mineral distribution as that in plasma.

(c) False. Some tissue fluid enters lymphatic system and becomes lymph which then drains back to major veins.

(d) True.

16) In the human skeletal system, there are 3 types of ribs such as true ribs, false ribs and floating ribs. Distinguish between true ribs and false ribs.


True ribs: First 7 pairs. They are attached to thoracic vertebrae and ventrally connected to sternum with the help of Hyaline cartilage.

Vertebrochondral (false) ribs: 8th, 9th & 10th pairs. They do not articulate directly with the sternum but join the 7th rib with the help of Hyaline cartilage.

III. Answer any 3 questions from 17 – 20. Each carries 3 scores. (3 x 3 = 9)

17) Features of different phyla/ class are given below. Identify the phylum/class and give examples of each group.

a) Body is covered by scales. Heart is three or four chambered. They respire through lungs.

b) They are exclusively marine, commonly called sea walnuts and shows bioluminescence.

c) Body is divided into proboscis, collar and trunk. They have open circulatory system and proboscis gland.


a) Reptilia. E.g. Crocodiles

b) Ctenophora. E.g. Ctenoplana

c) Hemichordata. E.g. Balanoglossus

18) “Counter current system plays an important role in concentrating urine.”

a) Name any two regions inside the kidney, where the counter current system is seen.

b) What is meant by counter current mechanism?

c) Name the two solutes responsible for the gradient of osmolarity from cortex (300 mOsmolL-1) to the inner medullary interstitium (1200 mOsmolL-1).


(a) Henle’s loop & vasa recta.

(b) The flow of filtrate in the 2 limbs of Henle’s loop and the flow of blood through the 2 limbs of vasa recta are in opposite directions (counter current pattern). This is called Counter current mechanism.

(c) NaCl & urea.

19) Complete the table.


A= ANF (atrial natriuretic factor)

B= Pancreas/Islets of Langerhans

C= Lowers blood glucose level (Hypoglycemic hormone)

D= Kidney/ JGA

E= Stimulates erythropoiesis

F= Thymosin

20) Observe the diagram and label A to F.


A= Vena cava

B= Chordae tendineae

C= Aorta

D= Pulmonary artery

E= Bundle of His

F= Interventricular septum

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