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I. Answer any 3 questions from 1 – 5. Each carries 1 score. (3 x 1 = 3)

1) Fill in the blank.

Small disc-shaped structures at the surface of the centromere are called ...........

✅ Kinetochore

2) Observe the relationship between first two terms and fill in the blank.

C4 plants: PEP case

C3 plants: ...................


3) Which one of the following features are applicable to bacteriophages?

a) They are bacterial viruses.

b) They have double stranded DNA as genetic material.

c) The protein coat is called capsid.

i. a) and b)          ii. b) and c)

iii. a) and c)          iv. All of these

✅ (iv) All of these

4) Name the process which is common for both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

✅ Glycolysis

5) Choose the CORRECT answer. All tissues on the inner side of the endodermis together constitute.

a) Conjunctive tissue

b) Stele

c) Pericycle

d) Vascular bundle

✅ (b) Stele

II. Answer any 9 questions from 6 – 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9 x 2 = 18)

6) The following figures A and B show two different types of phyllotaxy. Identify and explain them.


A – Opposite: Leaves lie opposite to each other (A pair of leaves at each node).

B – Whorled: More than two leaves at each node.

7) A cell with a chromosome number 42 undergoes mitosis and another cell with 42 chromosomes undergoes meiosis. Give the chromosome number of daughter cells after mitosis and meiosis. Give reasons for your answer.


After mitosis: Daughter cells have 42 chromosomes. This is because mitosis maintains the same chromosome number as the parent cell.

After meiosis: Daughter cells have 21 chromosomes. This is because meiosis reduces the chromosome number by half to produce haploid gametes.

8) Some organisms show associations which are mutually benefited.

a) Which are the components of lichens?

b) What is the ecological significance of lichens?


a) Algae (phycobiont) and fungi (mycobiont).

b) They are good pollution indicators.

9) Match the items of column A with column B.


10) Observe the T.S. of a plant given below.
Identify the plant part and explain any two features of its vascular bundles.


Dicot stem.

Features of vascular bundles: Conjoint, open, cambium present.

11) Observe the following pathways of anaerobic respiration.

a. Identify the products A and B.

b. Give an example of organism in which any of these products are formed.


(a) A= Lactic acid,      B= Ethanol.

(b) Bacteria produces lactic acid. Yeast produces ethanol.

12) The opening and closing of stomata is aided by the peculiarities of bean shaped guard cells. Mention any two such peculiarities.


The inner wall of guard cells is thick and elastic. Outer wall remains thin.
13) The metabolic pathway through which electrons pass from one electron carrier to another is called the electron transport system. Some electron acceptors are given below:

(Fes, Cyt b, FMN, FAD, Cyt a, NADH, Ubiquinone, Cyt c, Cyt a3, H2O)

Arrange them in the correct order.


NADH → FMN → FeS → Ubiquinone → Cyt b → Cyt c → Cyt a → Cyt a3 → H2O
14) Plant growth regulators are the chemicals that regulate the growth and development of plants.

a) Name the plant growth promoters.

b) Name the plant growth inhibitors.


a) Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins

b) Abscisic acid, Ethylene

15) The nucleoplasm contains small spherical shaped structures.

a) Name the structures.

b) Name the openings seen in nuclear envelope and state their function.


(a) Nucleolus

(b) Nuclear pores.

Function: Movement of RNA and Protein takes place in both directions between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.

16) There are certain seeds which to germinate even under favourable external conditions. This is called seed dormancy.

a) State any two reasons for seed dormancy.

b) Suggest two manmade measures for breaking seed dormancy.


(a) Impermeable and hard seed coat. Presence of abscisic acids.

(b) Seed coats can be broken by mechanical abrasions using knives, sand paper / vigorous shaking / application of gibberellic acid and nitrates.

III. Answer any 3 questions from 17 – 20. Each carries 3 scores. (3 x 3 = 9)

17) Arrange the following events in the appropriate boxes.

a. Formation of ATP and NADPH2.

b. Only photosystem I is functional.

c. Formation of ATP only

d. Both photosystem l and photosystem II are involved.

e. Splitting of water.

f. No oxygen release.


18) Based on the symmetry, the flowers can be classified into three types. Name and explain them.


Actinomorphic / Radial: A flower can be divided into two equal halves through the centre in any plane.

Zygomorphic / bilateral: A flower can be divided into two equal halves through the centre only in one plane.

Asymmetric / irregular: A flower cannot be divided into two equal halves by any plane through the centre.

19) Name and explain the structure of cell organelle that is involved in photosynthesis.



Chloroplast contains a membranous system. It consists of grana, stroma lamellae and matrix stroma.

Each granum is a group of membrane-bound sacs called thylakoids (lamellae). They contain leaf pigments (chlorophyll).

20) Prophase of the first meiotic division is typically longer and complex. It has been further subdivided into five phases. The major events of these sub-stages are given below.

a. Pairing of homologous chromosomes.

b. Terminalization of chiasmata

c. Occurs crossing over

d. Chromosomes are visible under a light microscope.

e. Formation of chiasmata

i. Identify the stages a, b, c, d and e.

ii. Arrange these stages in correct order of occurrence.


i. The stages are: a. Zygotene b. Diakinesis c. Pachytene d. Leptotene e. Diplotene

ii. The correct order of occurrence is:

Leptotene (d)

Zygotene (a)

Pachytene (c)

Diplotene (e)

Diakinesis (b)


I. Answer any 3 questions from 1 – 5. Each carries 1 score. (3 x 1 = 3)

1) Which among the following represents the CORRECT sequence?

a) Kingdom ← Phylum ← Class ← Family ← Order ← Genus ← Species.

b) Phylum ← Class ← Kingdom ← Order ← Family ← Species ← Genus

c) Kingdom ← Phylum ← Class ← Order ← Family ← Genus ← Species

d) Kingdom ← Phylum ← Class ← Family ← Genus ← Order ← Species

✅ (c) Kingdom ← Phylum ← Class ← Order ← Family ← Genus ← Species

2) Plasma without clotting factor is called ..........

✅ Serum

3) Breathing Respiratory disorder in which alveolar walls are damaged due to which respiratory surface is decreased.

✅ Emphysema

4) Select the WRONG statement regarding muscles from those given below.

a. Each muscle fibre is lined by the plasma membrane called sarcolemma.

b. The light bands are called ‘A’ band or Anisotropic band.

c. The portion of the myofibril between two successive ‘Z’ lines is called a sarcomere.

d. Muscle contains a red-coloured oxygen storing pigment is called myoglobin.

✅ b) The light bands are called ‘A’ band or Anisotropic band.

5) Note the relation in the first pair and then complete the second pair.

Fasciola: Liver fluke

Taenia: .......? ......

✅ Tapeworm

II. Answer any 9 questions from 6 – 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9 x 2 = 18)

6) Expand the following hormones:

a) TSH      b) ACTH      c) ANF      d) FSH


a) TSH: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

b) ACTH: Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone.

c) ANF: Atrial Natriuretic factor.

d) FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone.

7) Frogs exhibit sexual dimorphism. Justify this statement giving two examples.


In male frogs, there is a sound producing vocal sac and a copulatory (nuptial) pad on the first digit of fore limbs. These structures are absent in female frogs.
8) Observe the following diagrams and answer the questions.

a. Identify A, B and C.

b. Name the compound obtained by the fusion of one ‘B’ and three ‘C’.


(a) A= Glucose

B= Glycerol

C= Palmitic acid (fatty acid)

(b) Triglyceride.

9) Classify the following terms under two suitable headings.

Neutrophils, Monocytes, Eosinophils, Lymphocytes.


Granulocytes: Neutrophils, Eosinophils.

Agranulocytes: Monocytes, Lymphocytes.

10) Find the odd one out. Justify your answer.

Saw fish, Jelly fish, Flying fish, Angel fish, Dog fish.


Jelly fish. It is a cnidarian (not fish). Others are true fishes (Pisces).
11) a) Identify the graph given below:
b) List the factors responsible for the formation and dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin.


a) Oxygen-Hb dissociation curve.

b) PO2, PCO2, H+ concentration, Temperature.

12) Some conditions related to kidney disease are given.

• Accumulation of urea in blood.

• Malfunction of kidney.

a. Name the condition.

b. Suggest the treatments for kidney failure and acute kidney failure.


a) Uraemia.

b) For kidney failure: Haemodialysis.

For acute kidney failure: Kidney transplantation.

13) Identify the disorders based on the symptoms given below.

a. Inflammation of joints.

b. Decreased bone mass and increased chance of fracture.

c. Inflammation of joints due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals.

d. Rapid spasms in muscles due to low Ca++ in body fluids.


a) Arthritis

b) Osteoporosis

c) Gout

d) Tetany

14) Name of certain animals are given below. Write the phylum of each animal.

a. Pila                   b. Pleurobrachia

c. Nereis          d. Balanoglossus


a) Mollusca

b) Ctenophora

c) Annelida

d) Hemichordata

15) On a hot day would you expect your level of ADH in blood to be high or low? Explain.


On a hot day, level of ADH in blood would be high. This is because ADH helps to conserve water in the body by influencing reabsorption of water in kidney tubules. On a hot day, to prevent dehydration, more ADH is released to retain water.
16) Stethoscope is an instrument which is used to detect the sounds of the heart.

a. Mention the two sounds of the heart.

b. Give the causes of heart sound.


a) Lub and Dub.

b) First sound (lub) is due to the closure of tricuspid and bicuspid valves.

Second sound (dub) is due to the closure of the semilunar valves.

III. Answer any 3 questions from 17 – 20. Each carries 3 scores. (3 x 3 = 9)

17) Observe the graph given below:

a. Identify the graph. Label A & B.

b. Mention the role of enzyme in this process.


a) Graphical representation showing Concept of activation energy.

A= Activation energy without enzyme.

B= Activation energy with enzyme.

b) Enzymes lower the activation energy and thereby increases the speed of chemical reactions.

18) Complete the flow chart given below:


a) Spinal cord

b) Mid brain

c) Thalamus

d) Corpora quadrigemina

e) Pons

f) Cerebellum

19) Observe the diagram showing the characteristics of a phylum.

a. Identify the phylum.

b. Name the part labelled ‘A’.

c. Point out the three fundamental characters of the phylum.


a) Chordata

b) Nerve cord

c) ▪️ Presence of notochord.

     ▪️ Presence of pharyngeal gill slits.

     ▪️ Presence of post anal tail.

20) Complete the table given below by using appropriate terms.


(a) Increases blood glucose level.

(b) Thymus

(c) Melatonin

(d) Contraction of smooth muscles

(e) Parathyroid

(f) Decreases Ca2+ level in blood

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