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I. Answer any 3 questions from 1 – 5. Each carries 1 score. (3 x 1 = 3)

1) Choose the correct answer.

A structure seen in bacterial cell is ..................

a. Nucleus           b. Lysosome

c. Plastid          d. Mesosome

✅ (d) Mesosome

2) Which plant hormone is known as ‘Stress hormone’?

✅ Abscisic acid

3) Observe the relationship between the first two terms and fill in the blank.

Mushroom: Agaricus

Bread mould: .................

Rhizopus/ Mucor

4) Reserve food in Phaeophyceae is called ……………….

(Starch, Algin, Floridean starch, Mannitol)

✅ Mannitol

5) Fill in the blank.

Cytokinesis in animal cell takes place by the appearance of a ................... in the plasma membrane.

✅ Cleavage furrow

II. Answer any 9 questions from 6 – 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9 x 2 = 18)

6) (a) What is meant by diatomaceous earth?

(b) Mention any one use of diatomaceous earth.


(a) The cell wall deposits of diatoms are accumulated on the surface of sea for millions of years. This deposition is called diatomaceous earth.

(b) Used in polishing and filtration of oils and syrups.

7) Certain thylakoid pigments are called accessory pigments. Name them. Write their significance.


Chlorophyll b, Xanthophyll and Carotene.

Significance of accessory pigments:

▪️ Absorption and transfer of light to the reaction centre.

▪️ Protect the chlorophyll a from photooxidation.

8) What are bulliform cells? Mention their function.


Bulliform cells are large, empty, colourless cells present in monocot leaves.

Function: They help in rolling and unrolling of leaves in dry weather to minimise water loss.

9) Write any two differences between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.


Aerobic respiration: Occurs in presence of oxygen. High energy output (38 or 36 ATP).

Anaerobic respiration: Occurs in the absence of oxygen. Low energy output (2 ATP).

10) Observe the figure given below. It shows two phases in the life cycle of a plant Funaria.
Identify the phase marked as A. Write any two peculiarities of this stage.


Sporophyte stage of Funaria.

Peculiarities: Diploid (2n) structure. Produces haploid (n) spores.

11) Karyokinesis of mitosis is divided into 4 stages. Name the second and third stage. Write any two features of second stage.


Second stage: Metaphase.

Third stage: Anaphase.

Features of second stage (Metaphase): All chromosomes at equator. Chromosomes at maximum condensation.

12) Observe the figure given below:
Identify the parts a, b. Write their functions.


a. Grana          b. Stroma

Function of grana: Light reaction.

Function of stroma: Dark reaction.

13) C4 plants have a special leaf anatomy. Name that anatomy. Write three peculiarities of this kind of anatomy.


Kranz anatomy.


▪️ Two types of chloroplasts.

▪️ Bundle sheath chloroplast is large.

▪️ Closely packed bundle sheath cells.

14) Observe the figure given below. Name the complex. Write its function.


ATP synthase (Complex V)

Function: ATP synthesis (oxidative phosphorylation).

15) (a) What is respiratory quotient (RQ)?

(b) Mention the RQ of carbohydrate and fat.


(a) The ratio of the volume of CO2 evolved to the volume of O2 consumed in respiration is called the respiratory quotient (RQ).

(b) RQ of carbohydrate= 1 RQ of fat= less than 1

16) Match the items of column A with B.


III. Answer any 3 questions from 17 – 20. Each carries 3 scores. (3 x 3 = 9)

17) How can you differentiate an actinomorphic flower from a zygomorphic flower? Explain with two examples for each.


Actinomorphic flowers: They can be cut into two equal halves through any radial plane. E.g., Mustard, Chilli

Zygomorphic flowers: They can be cut into two equal halves only through one vertical plane. E.g., Pea, Bean and Cassia.

18) Plant growth regulators perform various functions in plant body.

a. Name the hormones responsible for apical dominance and bolting. Define the two phenomena.

b. Which plant hormone is referred to as an antagonist to gibberellic acid?


(a) Apical dominance – Auxin.

Bolting – Gibberellin.

Apical dominance is the promotion of apical bud by suppressing lateral buds.

Bolting is the rapid stem elongation just prior to flowering in rosette plants.

(b) Abscisic acid (ABA).

19) Cell theory is the fundamental concept in cell biology.

a) Name the scientists who proposed Cell theory.

b) Write down the important statements in Cell theory.


a) Matthias Schleiden, Theodore Schwann and Rudolf Virchow.

b) (i) all living organisms are composed of cells and products of cells.

     (ii) all cells arise from pre-existing cells.

20) Observe the terms given below.

Xylem, Root hairs, Pith, Stomata, Cambium, Trichomes

From this, identify and write the structures seen in epidermal tissue system. Write their functions. (Hint: 3 structures).


Root hair: Absorption of water and minerals.

Stomata: For Transpiration.

Trichomes: Help to prevent water loss due to transpiration.


I. Answer any 3 questions from 1 – 5. Each carries 1 score. (3 x 1 = 3)

1) Binomial nomenclature was proposed by ……………….

✅ Linnaeus

2) In human being, the sound is produced by

(a) Pharynx           (b) Larynx

(c) Trachea          (d) Bronchi

✅ (b) Larynx

3) Note the relationship between first two words and suggest a suitable word for fourth place.

Follicular cells: Thyroid

Neurosecretory cells: …………………

✅ Hypothalamus

4) Odd one out. Justify your answer.

Humerus, Clavicle, Radius, Ulna

✅ Clavicle. This is a bone in pectoral girdle. Others are bones of forelimbs.

5) ................. is the most abundant protein in the animal world.

✅ Collagen

II. Answer any 9 questions from 6 – 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9 x 2 = 18)

6) "All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates". Do you agree with this statement? Substantiate.


Yes. All vertebrates have notochord which is replaced by vertebral column. But there are chordates other than vertebrates (Urochordates and Cephalochordates). They have notochord but no vertebral column.
7) Distinguish between

a. Tidal volume and Residual volume

b. Vital capacity and Total lung capacity


(a) Tidal volume: Volume of air inspired or expired during a normal respiration.

Residual volume: Volume of air remaining in lungs after a forcible expiration.

(b) Vital capacity: Volume of air that can breathe in after a forced expiration.

Total lung capacity: Total volume of air in the lungs after a maximum inspiration.

8) Observe the figure of the organism given below.
a. Identify the organism.

b. Name the class in which it belongs.

c. Mention any two salient features of the class.


(a) Hippocampus (Seahorse).

(b) Osteichthyes.

(c) Bony fishes, scales are cycloid, ctenoid etc., gills covered by operculum.

9) Frogs are not usually seen during peak summer and winter. Give reason.


During these periods, frogs take shelter in deep burrows to protect them from extreme heat and cold. This is called summer sleep (aestivation) and winter sleep (hibernation).
10) a) Person with 'AB' blood group is called 'universal recipient'. Give a reason.

b) List out any two disorders of human circulatory system.


a) AB blood group has no antibodies. So AB group persons can receive blood from other groups.

b) Hypertension, Coronary artery disease.

11) Complete the flow chart given below:


(a) Gnathostomata

(b) Cyclostomata

(c) Tetrapoda

(d) Osteichthyes

12) a) Give one word for the following:

i. Presence of Glucose in Urine.

ii. Presence of Ketone bodies in Urine.

b) Which human disorder is having the above mentioned two symptoms?


a) i. Glycosuria.          ii. Ketonuria

b) Diabetes mellitus

13) Observe the figures given below:
a. Identify figure 'A' and 'B.

b. Name the subunits of 'A' and 'B’.


(a) A= Actin, B= Myosin

(b) A= G- actin, B= Meromyosin (HMM + LMM)

14) Distinguish between a nucleoside and nucleotide with one example for each.


A nucleoside consists of a nitrogenous base attached to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) but lacks the phosphate group. E.g., Adenosine.

A nucleotide is composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and phosphate group. E.g., adenylic acid.

15) Observe the diagram A and B given below.
a. What is 'A' and 'B’?

b. Mention the other two levels of protein structure.


(a) A= Secondary structure of protein, B= Tertiary structure of protein.

(b) Primary structure and quaternary structure.

16) Classify the following animals on the basis of the mode of nitrogenous waste excretion in the table given below.

Mammals, Birds, Bony fishes, Reptiles, Terrestrial amphibians, Aquatic amphibians


III. Answer any 3 questions from 17 – 20. Each carries 3 scores. (3 x 3 = 9)

17) Find the odd one from each group. Justify your answer.

a. Star fish, Devil fish, Dog fish, Jelly fish

b. Flying fish, Angel fish, Saw fish, Fighting fish

c. Sea lily, Sea cucumber, Sea hare, Sea urchin


(a) Dog fish. It is true fish. Others are not true fishes and are invertebrates.

(b) Saw fish. It comes under class Chondrichthyes. Others belong to Osteichthyes.

(c) Sea hare. It belongs to Mollusca. Others are echinoderms.

18) Prepare a flow chart showing the parts of human brain, by using the details given below.

Cerebrum, Medulla, Mid brain, Corpora quadrigemina, Hypothalamus, Forebrain, Cerebellum, Hypothalamus, Hind brain, Brain.


19) Where do you find the following valves in heart? Mention their function.

a) Tricuspid valve

b) Bicuspid (mitral) valve

c) Semilunar valves


a) Location: Opening between right atrium & right ventricle.

Function: They allow the flow of blood only in one direction, i.e. from right atrium to right ventricle.

b) Location: Opening between left atrium and left ventricle.

Function: They allow the flow of blood only in one direction, i.e. from left atrium to left ventricle.

c) Location: Openings of pulmonary artery and aorta.

Function: They prevent backward flow of blood.

20) Match the following:


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