Reproduction in organisms | Basic Level Test | Topic 1: Asexual reproduction
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Topic 1: Asexual reproduction
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Morphologically and genetically similar individuals are known as
✅ Clone
Under unfavourable condition, Amoeba undergoes encystation for
✅ Multiple fission
Under favourable conditions, encysted Amoeba undergoes multiple fission to give many minute amoebae called
✅ Pseudopodiospores
Bulbil is a vegetative propagule found in
✅ Agave
Which of the following organisms does not undergo budding?
✅ Amoeba
The asexual reproductive structure found in Penicillium is
✅ Conidia
The vegetative propagule of water hyacinth is
✅ Offset
Adventitious buds are the vegetative propagule of
✅ Bryophyllum
................ are the microscopic motile structures in some algae and protists.
✅ Zoospores
Gemmules are the asexual reproductive structures of