Plus 2 Biology Question Paper 2022 March PDF with Answer key



1.     (c) Tapetum

2.     Hind II

3.     Blubber

4.     (c) Producers

5.     Life span

6.     Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay

7.     (a) Increased protein content and quality.
(b) Increased oil content and quality.
(c) Increased vitamin content.
(d) Increased micronutrient and mineral content.

8.     GEAC makes decisions about

·       Validity of GM research.

·       Safety of introducing GM organisms for public services.

9.     (a) Chlamydomonas             (b) Conidia      

(c) Buds     (d) Sponges

10.  It is the genetic mechanism to prevent self-pollination. Pollen from the same flower or other flowers of the same plant does not germinate in the stigma.




(1) IR-8

(2) Jaya, Ratna (Any 2)

(1) Sonalika

(2) Kalyan Sona

12.  (a) –                       (b) –                

(c) +                       (d) Amensalism

13.  Hydrarch.
Climax community: Forest (Forest stage).

14.  Eli Lilly company prepared two DNA sequences corresponding to A & B chains of human insulin and introduced them in plasmids of E. coli to produce insulin chains. Chains A & B were combined by creating disulfide bonds to form human insulin (Humulin).

15.  They have a thick cuticle. Leaves are reduced or absent. Fleshy flattened stem etc.
Sunken stomata to minimize water loss through transpiration.
Stomata closed during day time.

They have a special photosynthetic pathway (CAM).

16.  Carbon dioxide concentration is increased in atmosphere.
Loss of Biodiversity.
Disturbs hydrologic (water) Cycle.
Soil erosion and Desertification.

17.  Pyramid of energy is always upright because some energy is always lost as heat at each trophic level. So energy at a lower trophic level is always more than at a higher level. It follows law of 10%.

18.  (a) Compressed Natural Gas.
(b) It is cheaper and burns efficiently. It cannot be siphoned off by thieves. It cannot be adulterated like petrol or diesel.

19.  (a) Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of a pistil.
(b) Types of pollination:

1)   Autogamy: Transfer of pollen grain from the anther to the stigma of the same flower.

2)   Geitonogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of different flowers of the same plant. It is genetically similar to autogamy.

3)   Xenogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of different plants of the same species. It is functionally and genetically similar to cross pollination.

20.  (a) Exonucleases & Endonucleases.
(b) EcoRI is taken as an example. It is derived from Escherichia coli RY 13.

First letter (E) is the Genus name of the bacteria from which the enzyme is derived.
2nd & 3rd letters (co) indicate the species name of the bacteria.
4th letter - First letter of the strain of bacteria.
Roman number - Order of isolation.

In case of EcoRI







RY 13 strain

First order of isolation


1.     Convergent evolution

2.     Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer

3.     Cleavage

4.     Ligase or DNA Ligase

5.     Edward Wilson

6.     Penicillin

7.     (a) Methionine (met)
(b) UAA, UAG, UGA (Any two)

8.     (a) Secrete Androgens / Testosterone.
(b) Secretes progesterone.




(i)   Trichoderma polysporum

(c) Cyclosporin A

(ii)  Monascus purpureus

(d) Statin

(iii) Saccharomyces cerevisiae

(b) Ethanol

(iv) Aspergillus niger

(a) Citric acid

10.  (a) Darwinism                    
(b) Miller’s experiment
(c) Big bang theory
(d) Lamarckism

11.  Ill-effects of drug/alcohol abuse:

·    Reckless behaviour, vandalism and violence.

·    Coma and death due to respiratory failure, heart failure or cerebral haemorrhage.

·    Damage of nervous system and liver cirrhosis.

·    Mental and social distress to family and friends.

·    Social problems like stealing and spread of infectious diseases (e.g. AIDS, hepatitis B).

12.  (a) Acrosome
(b) Lytic enzymes in Acrosome helps to penetrate ovarian wall layers during fertilization.

13.  (a) Male heterogamety: Here, males can produce 2 types of gametes based on sex chromosomes (XY /XO).

Female heterogamety: Here, females produce 2 types of gametes based on sex chromosomes (ZW).

(b) Examples for male heterogamety: Human, Drosophila, grasshopper etc.

Examples for male heterogamety: Birds.

14.  (a) Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium.
(b) Gene flow / genetic drift / mutation / genetic recombination / natural selection.

15.  In human, male is heterogametic (produce two types of sperms- one with X chromosome and other with Y chromosome).
Sperm with X chromosome + egg → female child.
Sperm with Y chromosome + egg → male child.

16.  (a) The diseases transmitted through sexual contact is called Sexually Transmitted Diseases (venereal diseases / reproductive tract infections).  
(b) Gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital herpes, chlamydia, genital warts, trichomoniasis, hepatitis-B, AIDS.

17.  (a) Habitat loss & fragmentation, Overexploitation, Alien species invasions & Co-extinction.
(b) In situ conservation: E.g. Biosphere Reserves, National Park, Sanctuaries, Sacred Groves etc.
Ex situ Conservation: E.g. Botanical Gardens, Zoological Park, Cryopreservation, wild life safari Park, gene bank etc.

18.  (a) Deoxyribonucleic acid.
Double helix model was proposed by James Watson & Francis Crick.
(b) Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C).

19.  (a) Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.
Name of virus: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
(b) ELISA Test
(c) Give awareness about HIV and AIDS.
Use disposable syringe and needles.
Ensure blood and blood products in blood banks are safe.
Use condoms.
Control drug abuse.
Avoid sexual intercourse with unknown partner.

20.  (a) A= Promoter      B= Template strand
(b) It is the process of formation of RNA from DNA.
(c) 3’-TACGTACGTA-5’

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