Biology Exam Capsule PPT Class 11 EXAM CAPSULE Biology PowerPoint Presentations💥Biology Exam Capsule PPT for Plus One💥 Part-1 Botany 👉Biological classification 👉Plant kingdom 👉Morphology of flowering plants 👉Anatomy of flowering plants 👉Cell-The unit of Life 👉Cell cycle and cell division 👉Transport in plants 👉Mineral nutrition 👉Photosynthesis 👉Respiration in plants 👉Plant growth n development Part-2 Zoology 👉The living world 👉Animal Kingdom 👉Structural Organization in Animals 👉Biomolecules 👉Digestion and Absorption 👉Breathing and exchange of gases 👉Body fluids and circulation 👉Excretory products & their elimination 👉Locomotion and movement 👉Neural control and coordination 👉Chemical coordination & Integration 👉 Biology Exam Capsule PPT for Plus Two👉 Need other Biology Resources? Click Here Facebook Twitter