Gregor Mendel conducted experiments on garden peas (Pisum sativum). He selected 7 pairs of true breeding pea varieties.
7 Characters |
Contrasting Traits |
Dominant |
Recessive |
1. Stem height |
Tall |
Dwarf |
2. Flower colour |
Violet |
White |
3. Flower position |
Axial |
Terminal |
4. Pod shape |
Inflated |
Constricted |
5. Pod colour |
Green |
Yellow |
6. Seed shape |
Round |
Wrinkled |
7. Seed colour |
Yellow |
Green |
Monohybrid cross:
A cross involving 2 plants differing in a character pair.
Monohybrid phenotypic ratio = 3:1.
Monohybrid genotypic ratio = 1:2:1.
Backcross: Cross b/w a hybrid & its any parent.
Testcross: Cross b/w an organism with dominant phenotype & a recessive individual.
Hence monohybrid test cross ratio= 1:1
Test cross is used to find out the unknown genotype of a character.
Dihybrid cross: Cross b/w two parents differing in 2 pairs of characters.
E.g. Cross b/w pea plant with round & yellow seeds (RRYY) and wrinkled & green seeds (rryy).
Test cross is used to find out the unknown genotype of a character.
Dihybrid cross: Cross b/w two parents differing in 2 pairs of characters.
E.g. Cross b/w pea plant with round & yellow seeds (RRYY) and wrinkled & green seeds (rryy).
Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance
First Law (Law of Dominance):
- Characters are controlled by factors.
- Factors occur in pairs.
- In a dissimilar factor pair, one factor dominates the other.
“During gamete formation, factors (alleles) of a character pair segregate each other such that a gamete receives only one of the 2 factors”.
3rd Law: Law of Independent Assortment:
“When two pairs of traits are combined in a hybrid, segregation of one pair of characters is independent of the other pair of characters”.
Incomplete Dominance:
It is an inheritance in which heterozygous offspring shows intermediate character b/w two parental characteristics.
E.g. Flower colour in snapdragon (Antirrhinum).
Genotypic ratio= 1: 2: 1
Multiple allelism:
More than two alleles of a gene govern same character.
E.g. ABO blood grouping (3 alleles: IA, IB & i).
A single gene exhibits multiple phenotypic expressions. E.g. Starch synthesis in pea, phenylketonuria.
Starch synthesis in pea plant:
BB gene: Effective starch synthesis, produce large starch grains.
bb gene: Lesser starch synthesis, produce small starch grains.
Starch grain size also shows incomplete dominance.
The inheritance in which both alleles of a gene are expressed in a hybrid. E.g. ABO blood grouping in human.
ABO blood groups are controlled by the gene I.
The gene I has three alleles IA, IB & i.
When IA and IB are present together, they both express (AB group).
Starch synthesis in pea plant:
BB gene: Effective starch synthesis, produce large starch grains.
bb gene: Lesser starch synthesis, produce small starch grains.
Starch grain size also shows incomplete dominance.
The inheritance in which both alleles of a gene are expressed in a hybrid. E.g. ABO blood grouping in human.
ABO blood groups are controlled by the gene I.
The gene I has three alleles IA, IB & i.
When IA and IB are present together, they both express (AB group).
Alleles from parent 1 |
from parent 2 |
Genotype of offspring |
types (phenotype) |
IA |
IA |
IA |
A |
IA |
IB |
IB |
AB |
IA |
i |
IAi |
A |
IB |
IA |
IB |
AB |
IB |
IB |
IB |
B |
IB |
i |
IBi |
B |
i |
i |
ii |
O |
- Chromosomes are vehicles of heredity.
- Two identical chromosomes form a homologous pair.
- Homologous pair segregates during gamete formation.
- Independent pairs segregate independently.
T.H Morgan proved chromosomal theory of inheritance using fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster).
Morgan’s experiment to study sex linked genes
Linkage: Physical association of two genes on a chromosome.
Recombination: Generation of non-parental gene combination.
Drosophila is suitable material for genetic study because,
- They can grow on simple synthetic medium.
- Short generation time (life cycle: 12-14 days).
- Breeding can be done throughout the year.
- Hundreds of progenies per mating.
- Male and female flies are easily distinguishable.
Cross 2: White-eyed, miniature winged female X Red eyed, large winged male (wild type)
Morgan intercrossed their F1 progeny. He found that
- The two genes did not segregate independently.
- Parental gene combinations was much higher than non-parental type. This is due to linkage.
- Genes of eye colour & body colour were tightly linked (only 1.3% recombination). Genes of eye colour & wing size were loosely linked (37.2% recombination).
- Tightly linked genes show low recombination. Loosely linked genes show high recombination.
Sex chromosomes include X & Y.
Autosomes are chromosomes other than sex chromosomes.
- XX-XO mechanism: Male heterogametic, i.e. XO (Gametes with X and without X) and female homogametic, i.e. XX (gametes with X-chromosomes). E.g. grasshopper.
- XX-XY mechanism: Male heterogametic (X & Y) & female homogametic (X only). E.g. Human & Drosophila.
- ZZ-ZW mechanism: Male homogametic (ZZ) and female heterogametic (Z & W). E.g. Birds.
Sudden heritable change in DNA. 2 types:
- Point mutation: Change in a single base pair. E.g. sickle cell anaemia.
- Frame-shift mutation: Deletion or insertion of base pairs resulting in the shifting of DNA sequences.
- Physical mutagens: UV radiation, α, β, γ rays, X-ray etc.
- Chemical mutagens: Mustard gas, phenol, formalin etc.
Analysis of genetic traits in several generations of a family. It helps to understand whether a trait is dominant or recessive.
Representation of family genetic history is called family tree (pedigree).
Male: ⬜
Female: ⚪
Sex unspecified: ◇

Mating b/w relatives (consanguineous mating): 
Parents above & children below:

Parents above & children below:
Parents with affected male child:
Five unaffected offspring:

Pedigree analysis of
(A) Autosomal dominant trait (E.g. Myotonic dystrophy)
(B) Autosomal recessive trait (E.g. Sickle-cell anaemia)
1. Mendelian Disorders
Due to change in gene.
Haemophilia (Royal disease):
Haemophilia (Royal disease):
- Sex linked (X-linked) recessive disease. A blood clotting protein is affected.
- The disease is controlled by 2 alleles, H (normal) & h (haemophilic).
- In females, haemophilia is very rare because it happens only when mother is at least carrier and father haemophilic.
Sickle-cell anaemia:
- Autosome linked recessive disease.
- RBC becomes sickle shape.
- Homozygous dominant (HbAHbA): normal
- Heterozygous (HbAHbS): carrier; sickle cell trait
- Homozygous recessive (HbSHbS): affected
- It is due to substitution of Glutamic acid by Valine at the 6th position of β-globin chain of haemoglobin.
- This is due to the single base substitution at the sixth codon of the β-globin gene from GAG to GUG.
Autosome-linked recessive disease.
Reduced synthesis of α or β globin chains of haemoglobin.
2 types:
Colour blindness:
- α Thalassemia: Reduced synthesis of a globin due to mutation of genes HBA1 & HBA2 on chromosome 16.
- β Thalassemia: Reduced synthesis of b globin due to mutation of gene HBB on chromosome 11.
Colour blindness:
- Sex-linked recessive disorder due to defect in red or green cone of eye.
- Fails to discriminate red and green colour.
- It occurs in 8% of males and 0.4% of females because the genes are X-linked.
- Inborn error of metabolism.
- Autosomal recessive disease.
- Due to mutation of a gene coding for phenyl alanine hydroxylase enzyme (it converts phenylalanine to tyrosine).
- Affected individual lacks this enzyme. So, phenylalanine becomes phenyl pyruvic acid.
- They accumulate in brain causing mental retardation. These are also excreted through urine.
2. Chromosomal Disorders
Due to change in number or structure of chromosome.
a. Down’s syndrome:
a. Down’s syndrome:
Presence of an additional chromosome number 21 (21 trisomy).
Genetic constitution: 45 A + XX or 45 A + XY.
Presence of an additional X-chromosome in male.
Genetic constitution: 44 A + XXY
- Short stature, small round head. Broad flat face.
- Furrowed big tongue and partially open mouth.
- Retarded physical, psychomotor & mental development.
Presence of an additional X-chromosome in male.
Genetic constitution: 44 A + XXY
Absence of an X chromosome in female.
Genetic constitution: 44 A + X0
- Development of breast (Gynaecomastia).
- Sterile.
Absence of an X chromosome in female.
Genetic constitution: 44 A + X0
- Sterile, Ovaries are rudimentary.
- Lack of other secondary sexual characters.
- Dwarf.
Excellent notes, great job ❤❤❤