2020 March | HSE +1 Exam | Zoology - Answers

 2020 March (+1)

1.   (c) Carbonic anhydrase

2.   Amino acids

3.   (b) Sarcomere

4.   (b) Comb plates, Bioluminescence

5.   (a) Taxon or (b) Species.

6.   Amoeboid movement: E.g. Macrophages & leucocytes.

Ciliary movement: E.g. ciliary movements in trachea.

7.    i.  Uraemia

ii. Renal calculi

iii. Kidney transplantation

iv. Glomerulonephritis

8.   Class Amphibia: (i) & (iv)

Class Reptilia: (ii) & (iii)

9.   Because enzyme molecules are fewer than the substrate molecules i.e. No free enzyme molecules to bind with additional substrate molecules.

10. Active transport: It is the transport against the concentration gradient.

Simple diffusion:  It is the transport depending on concentration gradient.

11. (a) IRV: Additional volume of air a person can inspire by a forcible inspiration.

ERV: Additional volume of air a person can expire by a forcible expiration.

(b) Tidal Volume: Vole of air inspired or expired during normal respiration.

Residual volume: Volume of air remaining in the lungs after a forcible expiration.

12. (a) Gastric juice: Pepsin, Rennin, Lipase

Intestinal juice: Lipase

(b) Pepsin: Digests protein.

Lipase: Digests lipids.

13. A= Renin

B= Angiotensin I

C= Aldosterone

D= Rise in GFR

14. Adrenal cortex: Secretes corticoid hormones for carbohydrate metabolism etc.

Adrenal medulla: Secretes adrenaline and noradrenaline (emergency hormones).

15. (a) Cockroach excretes uric acid.

(b) Malpighian tubules, Urecose glands etc.


·   Cartilage cells are called chondrocytes.

·   Intercalated discs are seen in cardiac muscle.

17. (a) ECG.

(b) P wave: Depolarization of atria.

QRS wave: Depolarization of ventricles.

T-wave: Repolarization of ventricles.

18. (A) Testis

(B) Thymosin

(C) Provides immunity.

(D) Pancreas

(E) Melatonin

(F) Diurnal rhythm.

19. (a) A= Balanoglossus, B= Neries, C= Liver fluke (Fasciola).

(b) A= Hemichordata, B= Annelida, C= Platyhelminthes.

20. (a) A= Lens, B= Optic nerve

(b) Macula lutea (yellow spot)- thinned out part of retina.

(c) Cornea → Aqueous chamber → Lens → Vitreous chamber → Retina.


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