1. (c) Rohu.2. Ethidium bromide.
3. Stratification.
4. Primates: Menstrual cycle.
Non-primates: Oestrous cycle.
5. Bamboo species: Flowering only after 50-100 years.
Strobilanthus Kunthiana: Flowering only once in 12 years.
6. Natality, mortality, sex ratio, age distribution, population density.
7. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
Requirements: Primase, Taq polymerase, Target DNA etc.
8. ✧ Unburnt hydrocarbons are converted into CO2 and water.
✧ Carbon monoxide is changed to CO2.
9. ✧ Selection of suitable and disease-free breeds of poultry.
✧ Proper and safe farm conditions.
10. In Vallisneria, the female flower reaches the surface of water by the long stalk and the male flowers or pollen grains are released on to the surface of water.
In Zostera, female flowers remain submerged in water. Pollen grains are long and ribbon like. They are carried inside the water and reach the stigma.
11. ✧ High reproductive capacity.
✧ Presence of suckers.
✧ Digestive system absent.
12. ✧ Algal bloom.
✧ Eutrophication.
✧ Biomagnification.
✧ Deterioration of water quality.
14. The substance is Humus.
(b) When an insect ingests the toxin in Bt cotton, it becomes active. Toxin binds to surface of mid-gut epithelial cells creating pores. It causes cell swelling and lysis and death of the insect.
16. (a) Autogamy (self-pollination): It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma of the same flower.
(b) Geitonogamy: It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of another flower of the same plant.
(c) Xenogamy: It is the transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of a different plant.
17. Phytoplankton (pioneers) → rooted-submerged plants → rooted-floating angiosperms → free-floating plants → reed-swamp → marsh-meadow → scrub → forest (climax community).
18. (a) Hind II
(b) First capital letter: Genus name.
3. Stratification.
4. Primates: Menstrual cycle.
Non-primates: Oestrous cycle.
5. Bamboo species: Flowering only after 50-100 years.
Strobilanthus Kunthiana: Flowering only once in 12 years.
6. Natality, mortality, sex ratio, age distribution, population density.
7. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
Requirements: Primase, Taq polymerase, Target DNA etc.
8. ✧ Unburnt hydrocarbons are converted into CO2 and water.
✧ Carbon monoxide is changed to CO2.
9. ✧ Selection of suitable and disease-free breeds of poultry.
✧ Proper and safe farm conditions.
10. In Vallisneria, the female flower reaches the surface of water by the long stalk and the male flowers or pollen grains are released on to the surface of water.
In Zostera, female flowers remain submerged in water. Pollen grains are long and ribbon like. They are carried inside the water and reach the stigma.
11. ✧ High reproductive capacity.
✧ Presence of suckers.
✧ Digestive system absent.
12. ✧ Algal bloom.
✧ Eutrophication.
✧ Biomagnification.
✧ Deterioration of water quality.
Column A |
Column B |
(a) Human Alpha lactalbumin |
(4) ROSIE |
(b) Antigen Antibody Interaction |
(1) ELISA |
(c) Genetically engineered Insulin |
(d) Cry I Ab |
14. The substance is Humus.
- It is highly resistant to microbial action and decomposition.
- Serves as a reservoir of nutrients.
- Release inorganic nutrients.
(b) When an insect ingests the toxin in Bt cotton, it becomes active. Toxin binds to surface of mid-gut epithelial cells creating pores. It causes cell swelling and lysis and death of the insect.
16. (a) Autogamy (self-pollination): It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma of the same flower.
(b) Geitonogamy: It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of another flower of the same plant.
(c) Xenogamy: It is the transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of a different plant.
17. Phytoplankton (pioneers) → rooted-submerged plants → rooted-floating angiosperms → free-floating plants → reed-swamp → marsh-meadow → scrub → forest (climax community).
18. (a) Hind II
(b) First capital letter: Genus name.
Second two letters: Species name.
Fourth letter: Strain of bacterium from which the enzyme is isolated.
Roman number: Order of isolation of enzyme.