2018 March | HSE +1 Exam | Zoology Question Paper

2018 MARCH (+1) 

Answer all questions from questions numbers 1 to 3. each carry one score. (3 X 1=3)

1) Rearrange the following taxonomic categories in the correct sequence.

Kingdom← Class← Phylum ← Genus ← Family ← Order ← Species 

2) Note the relationship in the first pair and then complete the second pair.

Osteichthyes: cycloid scales 
Chondrichthyes: ………...

3) The innermost layer of the eyeball is ……………

a) Choroid 
b) Iris 
c) Retina 
d) Sclera

Answer any nine from questions numbers 4 to 14. Each carries two score. (9 X 2 = 18)

4) The molecular structure of 2 amino acids are given below. Name them. 

5) Arrange the following terms under two headings based on symmetry.

Arthropods, Ctenophores, Molluscs, Coelenterates 

6) a) Expand GFR.
    b) Even though GFR in healthy person is 180 liters per day, the amount of urine released per day is only about 1.5 liters. Give a reason.

7) Select the bones of the leg from the given list of bones.

Humerus, Tibia, Radius, Femur, Tarsals, Ulna, Fibula, Carpels 

8) Name the following:

a. The antibacterial enzyme present in the saliva of man which helps in prevention of infection.
b. The digestive enzyme present in saliva.

9) Observe the diagram showing the alimentary canal of cockroach. 

    Name the parts labelled A, B C and D.

10) Diagrammatic representation of a standard ECG is given:

a. What does the QRS complex denotes?
b. Mention the clinical significance of ECG.

11) Distinguish between the following:

a. IRV and ERV 
b. IC and EC

12) Complete the given flowchart. 
13) Name the hormones whose deficiency is responsible for the following:

a. Dwarfism 
b. Diabetes mellitus 
c. Cretinism 
d. Diuresis

14) Identify the following tissues:

a. Tissue that stores fat
b. Tissue that connects bones together
c. Tissue that connects bones to muscles
d. Tissue that conducts impulses

Answer any three from questions numbers 15 to 18. Each carries three score. (3 X 3 = 9)

15) Match the terms in column A with those in column B & C. 




a) Neutrophils

2 – 3%

Immune response

b) Eosinophils

20 – 25%


c) Lymphocytes

60 – 65%

Allergic reaction

16) a) Complete the diagrammatic representation showing the nature of enzyme action: 

b) List out any two factors affecting enzyme activity.
c) Based on the reaction formulae given below, identify the classes of the enzymes.

17) Protein digestion by proteolytic enzymes is given below: 

a. Name the enzymes marked as A and B.
b. Identify the gland which secrete these enzymes.
c. Write the inactive form of the enzymes A and B.

18) a) A table showing examples of vertebrates given below. But some of the examples are wrongly given. Identify and rearrange it. 











Blue whale




Flying fox

     b) Which of the above-mentioned class is characterized by the presence of pneumatic bones?

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