2018 March | HSE +1 Exam | Botany - ANSWERS

 2018 MARCH (+1) 


1)   Heterocysts.

2)   Aleuroplast (proteinoplast).

3)   Epiphyllous.

4)   OAA




a) Calotropis

ii) Valvate

b) China rose

iii) Twisted

c) Cassia

iv) Imbricate

d) Pea

i) Vexillary

6)   a) Secondary xylem

b) Metaxylem

c) Exarch

d) Stem

7)   Centrioles or centrosomes.

Function: Takes part in the formation of spindle apparatus during cell division.

8)  Chlorosis


Brown spots surrounded by chlorotic veins etc.

9)   FADH2 – Between the conversion of succinic acid to malic acid.

GTP - Between the conversion of a-ketoglutaric acid to succinic acid.

10) Plant: Marchantia.

Asexual bud: Gemma

Features: Gemma are green, multicellular, asexual/ vegetative buds which develop in small receptacles.

11) Requires special membrane proteins.

Highly selective.

Transport saturates.

Not requires ATP energy.

12) Plants follow different pathways in response to environment or phases of life to form different kinds of structures. It is called plasticity.

Eg: Heterophylly in Cotton, Coriander and Larkspur etc.

13) Cytoplasm.

4 ATP.

14) (a) Palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma.


Dicot leaf

Monocot leaf

Stomata on abaxial(lower) epidermis.

Stomata are present on both surfaces of the epidermis.

Dorsiventral leaf.

Isobilateral leaf.

Bulliform cells are absent.

Bulliform cells are present.

15) Plant factors: Number, size, age, orientation of leaves,

mesophyll cells, chloroplasts etc.

External factors: Availability of sunlight, temperature, water, nutrients, C02 concentration etc.

16) Prophase I

Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene, Diakinesis.

17) (a) 2,4-D ( 2,4- Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid) /Auxin

(b) Gibberellin/Auxin

(c) Ethylene/Auxin

(d) Auxin

(e) Abscisic acid (ABA)

(f) Ethylene/ Ethephon


Anaphase / karyokinesis

Centromere splits and chromosomes move to opposite poles.

Telophase / Karyokinesis

Chromosomes cluster at opposite poles and nuclear envelope assembles around.

Prophase / Metaphase / karyokinesis

Chromosomes seems to be with two chromatids attached at centromere.

Metaphase / karyokinesis

Chromosomes arranged at spindle equator.

Anaphase / karyokinesis

Separation of daughter chromosomes


Division of cytoplasm

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