2017 MARCH (+1)
1. Select the correct sequence of taxonomic hierarchy. (1)a) Kingdom → Phylum → Class → Order → Genus → Family → Species
b) Kingdom → Phylum → Order → Class → Family → Genus → Species
c) Kingdom → Phylum → Class → Order → Family → Genus → Species
d) Kingdom → Class → Phylum → Family → Order → Species → Genus
2. In cockroach spiracles are present in .............. (1)
a) Alimentary canal
b) Tracheal system
c) Malpighian tubules
d) Reproductive system
3. Complete the given branching diagram based on connective tissue. (2)
4. Match the items in columns B and C with A. (3)
A |
B |
C |
Phylum/class |
Common example |
Unique feature |
Pisces |
Aedes |
of hair |
Mammalia |
Leech |
circulatory system |
Arthropoda |
Felis |
of two chambered heart |
Scoliodon |
of nephridia |
Features of different phyla/ class are given below. Identify the phylum/class and give examples of each group.
a) Body is covered by scales, heart is three or four chambered. They respire through lungs.
b) They are exclusively marine, commonly called sea walnuts and shows bioluminescence.
c) Body is divided into proboscis, collar and trunk. They have open circulatory system and presence of proboscis gland. (3)
5. Among the different phyla of animals ....................... have pseudocoelom. (1)
6. Categorize the following animals under radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry.
Physalia, Tapeworm, Fasciola, Adamsia (2)
7. Differentiate the process inspiration & expiration. (2)
i) 2122/2122ii) 2123/2123iii) 2102/2102iv) 2122/2022
Collagen |
ground substance |
Insulin |
Hormone |
Antibody |
reception |
Trypsin |
(Light meromyosin, Actin, Tropomyosin, Meromyosin)
12. Answer the following:
a) Cerebral hemispheres of human brain are connected by ................... (1)
i) association areaii) corpus callosumiii) corpora quadrigeminaiv) pons varoliib) Observe the diagram and label A, B, C and D. (2)
gland |
Hormone |
Functions |
Heart |
….(A)…… |
Decreases blood pressure |
Pancreas |
Insulin |
……….(B)…… |
….(C)… |
Erythropoietin |
Stimulates erythropoiesis |
Thymus |
…..(D)…. |
Gives immunity |
14. a) Select the correct statement regarding with ECG of man. (1)
i) P-wave represents auricular repolarizationii) P-wave represents ventricular repolarizationiii) P-wave represents auricular depolarizationiv) P-wave represents ventricular depolarization
b) observe the diagram and label A, B, C & D. (2)
Animals |
Excretory organs |
a) |
Prawn |
i) |
Nephridia |
b) |
Cockroach |
ii) |
gland |
c) |
Earthworm |
iii) |
cells |
iv) |