2016 March | HSE +1 Exam | Zoology - Answers

ZOOLOGY (2016 MARCH, +1)


1.   Ctenophora

2.   Placoid scales

3.   Salivary amylase

4.   A-Goblet cell           B- Exocrine gland

5.   a) Mollusca

b) Cnidaria

c) Chordata – Aves

d) Hemichordata

6.   A- carbonic anhydrase

7.   a) Primary metabolites & secondary metabolites.

b) Primary metabolites: Amino acids, protein, carbohydrate etc.

Secondary metabolites: Alkaloids, terpenoids etc.

8.   a) A. lens     B. Iris   C. Cornea          D. Optic nerve

b) Rods and Cones

9.   a) Sliding filament theory.

b) Actin and Myosin

10. Museum

11. a) Chordata.

b)   1. Presence of notochord.

       2. Presence of pharyngeal gill slit.

       3. Presence of post anal tail.

 4. Presence of ventral heart.

12. a) Yes.

b) ADH is produced by hypothalamus. It regulates the kidney function by constricting blood vessels and helping in water reabsorption.

JGA is found in the distal convoluted tubule. A fall in GFR activate the JG cells to release renin which stimulate the glomerular blood flow.

ANF is found atrial wall of heart. It causes vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels) and thereby decrease the blood pressure.

13. c- presence of different types of teeth.

14. a) Oxygen dissociation curve

b) H+ concentration, temperature, CO2 andO2

15. Enzyme combines with substrate and forms enzyme substrate complex.

Enzyme substrate complex dissociates and forms enzyme and products.

16. a) insulin     b) growth hormone

c) ADH       d) thyroxine


PTH increases Ca2+ level in blood

Calcitonin decreases Ca2+ level in blood

17. a) A. aorta   B. Semilunar valve         C. left ventricle



a) SA node initiates, regulate and maintains heart beat

b) Cardiac cycle: Sequence of events during the completion of one heart beat (systole and diastole)

    Cardiac output: Volume of blood pumped by each ventricle per minute.

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