Basic Level Topic-wise Test Series | Class 11 Biology Easy Level Questions for Class 11/ Plus One / NEET Each topic contains 10 simple objective-type questions. The Living World The Living World Biological classification Topic 1: Classification, Monera, Protista Topic 2: Fungi, Plantae, Animalia, Viruses, Lichens, etc. Plant kingdom Topic 1: Classification System, Algae Topic 2: Bryophytes & Pteridophytes Topic 3: Gymnosperms, Angiosperms, Plant Life cycles and alternation of generations Animal kingdom Topic 1: Basis of Classification Topic 2: Porifera to Annelida Topic 3: Arthropoda to Hemichordata Topic 4: Chordata Morphology of flowering plants Topic 1: The Root, The Stem, The Leaf Topic 2: The Flower and Inflorescence Topic 3: The Fruit and Seed Topic 4: Semi-technical description, Plant Families Anatomy of flowering plants Topic 1: The Tissues Topic 2: The Tissue System Topic 3: Anatomy of Dicot and monocot plants Topic 4: Secondary Growth Structural Organization in Animals Topic 1: Animal Tissues Topic 2: Earthworm- Morphology & Anatomy Topic 3: Cockroach- Morphology & Anatomy Topic 4: Frog- Morphology & Anatomy Cell-The unit of Life Topic 1: Introduction, Prokaryotic cell Topic 2: Eukaryotic cell - 1 Topic 3: Eukaryotic cell - 2 Biomolecules Topic 1: Bio-micromolecules Topic 2: Bio-macromolecules Topic 3: Metabolism, Enzymes Cell cycle and cell division Topic 1: Cell Cycle Topic 2: Mitosis Topic 3: Meiosis Transport in plants Topic 1: Means of Transport, Plant - Water Relations Topic 2: Long distance Transport of water Topic 3: Transpiration, Uptake and Transport of Mineral Nutrients, Phloem Transport Mineral nutrition Topic 1: Essential Mineral Elements Topic 2: Mechanism of Absorption of Elements, Metabolism of Nitrogen Photosynthesis Topic 1: Experiments, Photosynthesis- Site and Pigments, Light Reaction Topic 2: Dark Reaction, Factors Affecting Photosynthesis Respiration in plants Topic 1: Breathing in Plants, Glycolysis, Anaerobic Respiration Topic 2: Aerobic Respiration, Respiratory Balance Sheet, Amphibolic Pathway, RQ Plant growth n development Topic 1: Growth, Differentiation, Dedifferentiation, Redifferentiation, Development Topic 2: Plant Hormones, Role of Light and Temperature on Flowering Digestion and Absorption Topic 1: Alimentary Canal Topic 2: Digestive Glands Topic 3: Digestion and Absorption of Food, Disorders Breathing and Exhange of Gases Topic 1: Human Respiratory System, Mechanism of breathing Topic 2: Gas Exchange, Gas Transport, Regulation, Disorders Body fluids and Circulation Topic 1: Blood and Lymph Topic 2: Circulatory Pathways, Heart, Cardiac Cycle, ECG Topic 3: Double Circulation, Regulation of Cardiac activity, Disorders Excretory Products and their Elimination Topic 1: Types of Excretion and Human Excretory System Topic 2: Urine Formation, Micturition Topic 3: Regulation of Kidney Function, Disorders Locomotion and Movement Topic 1: Human Muscular System Topic 2: Human Skeletal System, Disorders Neural Control and Coordination Topic 1: Neuron and Impulse transmission Topic 2: Human Neural System Topic 3: Sense Organs Chemical Coordination and Integration Topic 1: Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Pineal Glands Topic 2: Thyroid, Parathyroid and Thymus Topic 3: Adrenals, Pancreas, Testis and Ovary Topic 4: Hormones of Heart, Kidney & Gastrointestinal Tract, Mechanism of Hormone action 👉 Basic Level Test - Class 12 👉 NEET Medium & Hard Level Tests NEET Facebook Twitter