Basic Level Topic-wise Test Series | Class 12 Biology Easy Level Questions for Class 12/ Plus Two / NEET Each topic contains 10 simple objective-type questions. Reproduction in organisms Topic 1: Asexual Reproduction Topic 2: Sexual Reproduction Sexual reproduction in flowering plants Topic 1: Structure of Flower Topic 2: Pollination Topic 3: Fertilization and post-fertilization events Human Reproduction Topic 1: Male Reproductive System Topic 2: Female Reproductive System Topic 3: Spermatogenesis Topic 4: Oogenesis Topic 5: Menstrual Cycle Topic 6: Fertilization & Implantation Topic 7: Pregnancy, Embryonic development, Parturition, Lactation Reproductive Health Topic 1: Population Explosion, Contraceptive Methods Topic 2: MTP, STI, Infertility, ART Principles of Inheritance and Variation Topic 1: Mendel's Experiments, Laws of inheritance Topic 2: Inheritance of Two Genes, Incomplete Dominance Topic 3: Other Patterns of Inheritance Topic 4: Chromosomal Theory, Morgan's Experiment, Sex determination Topic 5: Mutation and Pedigree Analysis Topic 6: Genetic Disorders (Mendelian and Chromosomal) Molecular Basis of Inheritance Topic 1: The DNA Structure and Packaging Topic 2: Search for Genetic Material, Properties of Genetic Material Topic 3: DNA Replication, Transcription Topic 4: Genetic Code, Types of RNA Topic 5: Translation, Regulation of Gene expression Topic 6: Human Genome Project (HGP), DNA Fingerprinting Evolution Topic 1: Origin of Life, Evidences of Evolution Topic 2: Theories of Evolution, A Brief Account of Evolution Human Health and Diseases Topic 1: Common Infectious Diseases, Immune System Topic 2: Immunity, Allergy, Autoimmunity, AIDS, Cancer Topic 3: Drugs, Smoking and Alcohol Abuse Strategies for enhancement in food production Topic 1: Animal Husbandry Topic 2: Plant Breeding, SCP, Tissue culture Microbes in Human Welfare Topic 1: Microbes in Household & Industrial Products, Sewage treatment Topic 2: Microbes in Biogas, Biocontrol agents and Biofertilizers Biotechnology: Principles and processes Topic 1: Principles & Tools of Recombinant DNA Technology Topic 2: Processes of Recombinant DNA Technology Biotechnology and its Applications Biotechnology and its Applications Organisms and Populations Topic 1: Organisms and its Environment Topic 2: Populations Ecosystem Topic 1: Structure and Function, Productivity, Decomposition, Energy Flow Topic 2: Ecological Pyramids, Succession, Nutrient Cycling, Ecosystem Services Biodiversity and Conservation Topic 1: Biodiversity: Levels, Richness, Patterns, Importance Topic 2: Loss of Biodiversity, Biodiversity Conservation Environmental issues Topic 1: Air Pollution, Water pollution, Wastes and their Effects Topic 2: Greenhouse Effects, Global Warming, Ozone Depletion, Degradation by Improper Resource Utilization 👉 Basic Level Test - Class 11 👉 NEET Medium & Hard Level Tests NEET Facebook Twitter