It is a unique kingdom of heterotrophic
Fungi are cosmopolitan.
They grow in warm and humid places.
E.g. mould on bread & rotten fruits, mushroom,
White spots on mustard
leaves are due to a parasitic fungus.
Some fungi are the source of antibiotics,
e.g., Penicillium.
Some unicellular fungi (e.g. yeast) are
used to make bread and beer.
Other fungi cause diseases in plants and
animals. E.g. wheat rust-causing Puccinia.
Except yeasts, fungi are filamentous.
Their bodies consist of thread-like structures called hyphae.
The network of hyphae is known as mycelium.
Hyphae are 2 types:
Coenocytic hyphae: They
are continuous tubes filled with multinucleated cytoplasm.
Septate hyphae:
They have septae or cross walls.
Fungal cell wall is made of chitin &
Most fungi are saprophytes (absorb
soluble organic matter from dead substrates). Some are parasites.
Some live as symbionts. E.g. Lichens
(fungi+ algae), mycorrhiza (fungi + roots of higher plants).
· Vegetative
propagation: By fragmentation, fission & budding.
· Asexual
reproduction: By spores such as conidia, sporangiospores
and zoospores.
· Sexual
reproduction: By oospores, ascospores and basidiospores.
They are produced in distinct structures called fruiting bodies.
- The
sexual cycle involves 3 steps:
Plasmogamy: Fusion
of protoplasm between two motile or non-motile gametes.
Karyogamy: Fusion
of two nuclei.
c. Meiosis
in zygote to give haploid spores.
When a fungus reproduces sexually, two
haploid hyphae of compatible mating types come together and fuse.
In some fungi, the fusion of two haploid
cells immediately results in diploid cells (2n).
In ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, a dikaryotic
stage or dikaryophase (n + n i.e. two nuclei per cell) occurs. Such a
condition is called a dikaryon. Later, parental nuclei fuse and the
cells become diploid.
- The fungi form fruiting bodies in which reduction division occurs, leading to formation of haploid spores.
Based on morphology of
mycelium, mode of spore formation & fruiting bodies, Fungi are classified
into different classes:
1. Phycomycetes 2. Ascomycetes 3. Basidiomycetes 4. Deuteromycetes |
I. Phycomycetes (Lower Fungi)
They occur in aquatic habitats and on decaying
wood in moist and damp places or as obligate parasites on plants.
The mycelium is aseptate and coenocytic.
Asexual reproduction: By
motile zoospores or by non-motile aplanospores. These are
produced in sporangium.
Sexual reproduction: Zygospores
are formed by fusion of two gametes. These gametes are isogamous (similar
in morphology) or anisogamous or oogamous (dissimilar).
E.g. Mucor, Rhizopus (bread mould)
and Albugo (parasitic fungi on mustard).
II. Ascomycetes (sac-fungi)
- They
are unicellular (e.g., yeast, Sacharomyces) or multicellular (e.g., Penicillium).
- Mycelium
is branched and septate.
- They
are saprophytic, decomposers, parasitic or coprophilous (growing on dung).
- Asexual reproduction: By conidia
produced exogenously on the special mycelium called conidiophores. Conidia
germinate to produce mycelium.
- Sexual
reproduction: By ascospores produced endogenously
in sac like asci (sing. ascus). The asci are arranged to form fruiting bodies
called ascocarps.
E.g. Aspergillus, Claviceps and Neurospora.
Neurospora is
used in biochemical and genetic work.
Morels & truffles are edible.
III. Basidiomycetes
Includes mushrooms, bracket fungi or
They grow in soil, on logs and tree stumps
and in living plant bodies as parasites (e.g. rusts and smuts).
The mycelium is branched and septate.
The asexual spores are generally not
found, but vegetative reproduction by fragmentation is common.
- The
sex organs are absent, but plasmogamy occurs by fusion of two vegetative
or somatic cells of different strains or genotypes. The resultant structure is
dikaryotic which gives rise to basidium. Karyogamy and meiosis take place
in basidium producing four basidiospores exogenously. Basidia are arranged
in fruiting bodies (basidiocarps).
E.g. Agaricus (mushroom),
Ustilago (smut) and Puccinia (rust fungus).
IV. Deuteromycetes
Commonly known as imperfect fungi
because only their asexual or vegetative phases are known.
When perfect (sexual) stages were
discovered, they were often moved to ascomycetes or basidiomycetes.
It is also possible that asexual and
vegetative stage have been given one name placing under deuteromycetes
and the sexual stage another name placing under another class. When the linkages were established, the fungi
were correctly identified and moved out of deuteromycetes.
They reproduce only by asexual spores (conidia).
The mycelium is septate and branched.
Some are saprophytes or parasites.
Majority are decomposers of litter and help in mineral cycling.
- E.g. Alternaria, Colletotrichum and Trichoderma.
- Topic 1: Classification
- Topic 2: Kingdom Monera
- Topic 3: Kingdom Protista
- Topic 4: Kingdom Fungi
- Topic 5: Plantae, Animalia, Viruses, Lichens etc.
Very nice notes it will help me very much
ReplyDeleteThnku for notes because tomorrow is my exam
ReplyDeletebest notes literally the best one....I'm gonna stick with this website forever and will recommend it to others as well...