Structural organisation in animals: Previous Year Questions: 2010 to 2014


2010 MARCH

1.   A schematic sketch representing the alimentary canal of a cockroach is given below. Fill the boxes with appropriate organs from the list. No need to redraw the diagram.
Crop        Salivary gland            Gizzard        Rectum Malpighian tubules     Hepatic caeca


1. Analyze the circulatory system of the animal.

a. Label the part marked as a1 (½)
b. Compare it with the circulatory system of cockroach. Which one according to you is more advanced? (1½)

2. Observe the diagram given below:

a. Identify and write the peculiarity of the system. (1)
b. Label the parts marked as a1 and b1. (1)

2011 MARCH

1. Arrange the following words into two groups and give an appropriate heading to each group. (2)

Testes, oviduct, cloaca, Bidder’s canal, ovaries, Urinogenital duct, vasa efferentia, cloaca 

2. Observe the following figure. No need to redraw the diagram.

a. Label the parts A and B. (1)
b. Write the function of B. (1)


1. Identify the following tissues.
a. Tissue that conducts impulses
b. Tissue which store fat
c. Tissue that connects muscle and bone
d. Tissue that connects bones together. (2)

2. Cell junctions are most important parts of the animal tissues.
a. Write any two types of cell junctions. (1)
b. Mention their function. (1)

2012 MARCH

1. Facts related to two types of tissues are given below. Arrange them in two columns by giving suitable headings. Mention the location of the tissue in the human body. (4)
  • A sheath of tough connective tissue
  • Striations absent
  • Bundled together in a parallel fashion
  • Fusiform in shape
  • Involuntary in function
  • Striated appearance

1. The structural and functional abilities of earthworms are helpful for it to become ‘friends of farmers’.
Evaluate this statement and substantiate your answer. (2)

2. Observe the schematic diagram of a tissue.

a. Identify the type of the tissue (1)
b. The fibres in this tissue help the tissue to perform its function. Substantiate. (1) (2 score)

2013 MARCH

1. a) Arrange the following organs in the antero-posteral order of the earthworm body: (3)

Intestinal caeca, gizzard, blood glands, testes, ovary, clitellum 

    b) Vermicomposting is an advanced strategy in agriculture. What capabilities of the earthworm are utilized in this strategy? (1)


1.   Features of a particular tissue visible through a microscopic observation is presented here:
Cells are closely arranged.        Intercellular matrix absent.                 Cells are supported by basement membrane.
a.   Identify the animal tissue. (½)
b.   Classify the tissue based on number of cell layers. (½)
c.    Mention their functions. (1)

2.  Observe the diagrammatic representation.

a.   Name the animal A and B. (1)
b.   Write one function of any two structures given in the boxes. (1)

MARCH 2014

1. Where do you find the following structures in human body?
a. Collagen fibres 
b. Axons
c. Squamous epithelium 
d. Smooth muscles (2)

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable terms according to the indicators shown below:
Indicators: a & b – food habit/ c & d- Excretory organ.
a. Cockroach: ………………
b. Earthworm: ………………
c. Cockroach: ………………
d. Earthworm: ……………… (2)


1.   Names of two animal tissues are given:
a.   Cardiac muscle tissue
b.   Adipose tissue
                 i.   Write the location of these tissues in our body.
                ii.   Select the accurate character of each tissue from the items given below.
1.   Cells of this tissue are specialized to store fat.
2.   Cells of this tissue (chondrocytes) are seen in small cavities within the matrix.
3.   Presence of intercalated discs. (1+1=2)
2.   Mention the functions of the following: (1+1=2)
a.   Blood glands of ‘Pheretima’.
b.   Hepatic caeca of ‘Periplaneta americana’.

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