Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Previous Year Questions Part 1


2010 MARCH
1.     Given below in the diagram showing the transfer of pollen grains.

a.     Identify a & b with technical terms.
b.     Critically evaluate a & b
2.     Raman is learning the post fertilization changes of an angiosperm embryo sac with the help of slides. He identified the egg nucleus and polar nuclei with the help of his teacher. (3)
a.   Name the other nuclei present in the embryo sac.
b.   Help Raman by giving the changes that takes place with egg nucleus and polar nucleus after fertilization.
2010 SAY
1.     Microsporangium is generally surrounded by four wall layers. Name the layer which nourishes developing pollen grains. (1)
2.     Match the following: (4)
A                                                     B
Pollen                                    Monocarpellary
Monoecious                          Diploid
Endosperm                           Embryo sac
Female gametophyte         Halpoid
Male and female flower on same plant
                                                Triple fusion         

2011 MARCH
Copy the picture given above and mark the following:
a.     Connective tissue        b.    Endothecium
c.     Tapetum                        d.    Sporogenous tissue (1)
2.     After fertilization in flowering plants, seeds bearing embryos are found inside the fruits. If seeds are developed from ovules.
a.   Name the parts that given rise to embryo and fruits.
b.   What is the thick wall of the fruit that is protective in function called?        (1½)
3.     Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of a flower is called pollination. Grass plants generally have small, inconspicuous flowers while plants belonging to many angiosperms families bear conspicuous coloured flowers.
a.     Comment on the type of pollination taking place in these two groups.
b.     What are the salient features present in these two groups for effective pollination? (3)
2011 SAY
1.     +2 students of a school at Kasaragod district on their study tour collected flowers showing the following character:
1)  Flowers are with light pollen grains
2)  Colourful flowers
3)  Nectar producing flowers
4)  Flowers with feathery stigma
a.     Arrange the characters under different pollination groups in the given table.
b.     Write the name of 2 flowers pollinating through water. (3)
Entemophilous flowers
Anemophilous flowers
2012 MARCH
1.     In Maize, the chromosome number present in the meiocyte is 20. Give the number of chromosomes present in the following:
a.     Maize pollen                 b.  Maize endosperm (1)
2.     Copy the picture given below and mark the following: (2)
a.     Hilum         b.   Funicle            c.   Micropylar pole             
d.   Nucellus            e.   Chalazal pole         f.   Embryo sac
2012 SAY
1.     Innermost wall layer of microsporangium which nourishes the developing pollen grain called ………. (1)
2.     In Papaya, male and female flowers are present in separate plants. They are said to be ………….. (1)
3.     In large number of plants, pollination is carried out by insects. List four characters of flowers that help insect pollination. (2)
4.     In artificial hybridization, it is important to make sure that stigma is protected from unwanted pollen. This is achieved by emasculation & bagging techniques. Can you explain how emasculation & bagging techniques are performed? (2)


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