Organisms and populations: Previous Year Questions Part 1


2010 MARCH
1.     Given below is a table which shows the interspecific interaction. ‘+’ sign indicates beneficial, ‘-‘ sign indicates detrimental and ‘0’ indicates neutral.

a.     Fill in the blanks.
Species A
Species B
b.     Name the interactions where one species is benefited and the other is detrimental       (2)
2.     Given below a schematic representation with circles and squares which shows four factors/processes influence the population density.
a.     Write the positive factors in circles and negative factors in squares. (2)
2010 SAY
1.     Snakes change their body temperature with changes in external temperature, but human beings not. Organisms may be classed according to above character with explanation. (2)
2.     Density of a population in a given habitat during a given period fluctuates due to changes in 4 basic processes- Natality, Mortality, Immigration & Emigration.
a.     Differentiate Natality and Mortality.
b.     Differentiate Immigration & Emigration. (2)
3.     Two students, Unni and Kannan studied inter-specific interactions between different species. They made a table assigning a ‘+’ for beneficial interaction, ‘-‘ for detrimental and ‘0’ for neutral interaction. Can you help them by naming the interaction between species in different cases? Write one example for each interaction.
Case number
Species A
Species B
2011 MARCH
Given above is the bar diagram showing age structure of three different populations. Observe the diagram carefully and answer the following questions.
a.     Select the stable population.
b.     Compare the nature of population growth in A, B and C. (3½)
2011 SAY
1.     Population interactions:
Species x
Species y
Species z
Where ‘+’ beneficial interaction
              ‘-‘ detrimental interaction
              ‘0’ neutral interaction
Observe the interactions of populations of 3 species as shown in the table. Name the interactions between: (3)
a.     Species x and species y in case 1
b.     Species y and species z in case 2
c.     Species x and species z in case 3
d.     Species y and species z in case 1           
2.     Mohammed and his family left to Dubai from Kozhikode on March, 2009. In Kozhikode they are referred as …………. After 2009. How it affects Kozhikode population? (1)
2012 MARCH
1.     Interspecific interaction arises from the interaction of populations of two different species. If we assign + for beneficial, - for detrimental and 0 for neutral interactions, copy and complete the following chart.
2012 SAY
1.     Students involved in nature club activity found some inter-specific interactions between organisms in a garden area. They made a table of interaction giving ‘+’ for beneficial interaction, ‘-‘ for detrimental and ‘0’ for neutral interaction. (4)
                                      Species A           Species B
                i.             +                              +
                ii.             -                               -
                iii.            +                              0
                iv.            -                               0
a.       Give name of interaction in each case.
b.       Explain how parasitism differs from predation.
c.       Give the significance of species interaction.


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