2010 MARCH
1. Classify the organisms below based on segmentation:
Ascaris Taenia
Fasciola Wuchereria
Neries Pheretima
Mammary glands
Tube feet
1. Group the following animals on the basis of symmetry and give a
suitable title for each category. (1)
Hirudinaria, Octopus, Hydra
2. The flow of the sea water through the canal system of the sponges
is shown using arrows. Fill the gaps marked as a & b with the
help of the diagram given. (1)
Sea water → (a) → Spongocoel → (b) → Outside
3. Find the odd one from each group. Justify your answer. (1)
Dogfish, Hagfish, Sawfish, Flying
4. A taxonomist described a new organism as triploblastic, radially
symmetrical, coelomate and without metameric segmentation:
a. What do you understand by each term of his
description? (2)
b. Give an example of an organism of the same phylum that had
described. (1)
2011 MARCH
1. Complete the columns using the
appropriate phylum, distinctive features and excretory organs. (6 x ½=3)
Distinctive feature
Excretory organ
a) ……………
b) ……………
c) ……………
Malpighian tubules
d) ……………..
Body segmentation like rings
e) ……………
f) ………………
Water vascular system
Excretory system absent
2. Figure A & B are the fishes of two different classes. Identify
and differentiate between these classes. (3)

1. During a field trip a group of students collected some organisms
with following characters. Help them to identify the phyla of those organisms.
a. Dorso-ventrally flattened and leaf like body.
b. Jelly like body with eight ciliated comb plates.
c. Body covered with calcareous shell.
d. Spiny skinned body with radial symmetry. (2)
2. Complete the table using correct terms. (2)
3. Rearrange the following statements
in two column table and give suitable heading for each group. (2)
Notochord is
present, Post anal tail is absent, Pharynx is perforated by gill slits,
Notochord is absent, Post anal tail is present, Gill slits are absent
MARCH 2012
1. Find the relationship between given words and suggest the suitable
words for the fourth place. (2 x ½=1)
a. Annelida : Nephridia Arthropoda
: ………………
b. Osteichthyes : Cycloid scales
Chondrichthyes : ………………
2. Match column I with II (4 x ½=2)
Column I
Column II
a) Cold blooded animal
b) Living fossil
c) Egg laying mammal
d) Water vascular system
Sea cucumber
3. The following diagram shows the
characteristics of a phylum.
a. Identify the phylum. (½)
b. Label A in the diagram. (½)
c. Mention four salient features of the phylum. (2)
1. Fill in the blanks:
Coelomate: Arthropoda
Pseudocoelomate: -------------- (1)
2. Identify the odd one and write the common features of the other items.
Nephridia, Malpighian tubules, Spicules, Kidney, Flame cells (1)
3. Is it possible to compare the water vascular system of phylum
Echinodermata to circulatory system of man in some aspects? Justify your
answer. (2)
4. Organisms of this phylum are radially symmetrical, triploblastic
and coelomate with complete digestive system.
a. Identify the phylum (½)
b. Give an example for this phylum (½)
c. What are the distinctive features of this phylum? (1) (2 score)
2013 MARCH
1. a. Pick out the acoelomate organism from the following: (1)
i. Roundwormii. Hookwormiii. Filarial wormiv. Tapeworm
b. Name the phylum to which it belongs. (½)
c. Mention its mode of nutrition (½)
d. What is the coelomic condition of other organisms? Substantiate your answer. (1)
2. During a seashore visit, a student collected two organisms. Observing the morphology, it is clear that the organisms are radially symmetrical. One of them shows bioluminescence.
a. To which phylum does this organism belong? (1)
b. Identify the possible phyla to which the other organism can be included. (1)
c. Which distinctive feature of this organism will help you to categorize it into a particular phylum? (1)
c. Mention its mode of nutrition (½)
d. What is the coelomic condition of other organisms? Substantiate your answer. (1)
2. During a seashore visit, a student collected two organisms. Observing the morphology, it is clear that the organisms are radially symmetrical. One of them shows bioluminescence.
a. To which phylum does this organism belong? (1)
b. Identify the possible phyla to which the other organism can be included. (1)
c. Which distinctive feature of this organism will help you to categorize it into a particular phylum? (1)
1. Observing starfish in a marine aquarium your friend commented that it is a lower invertebrate without distinct head, eyes and legs. Do you agree with him? Evaluate his statement with reasons. (2 Score)
2. The following are the key characteristics of an animal group. (2)
* Circular and sucking mouth without jaws.
* Fish-like body without scales and paired fins.
a. Name the class in which this animal belongs.
b. Give two examples from this class.
3. Frogs, Salamanders, Tortoise and Crocodiles are seen in both water and land. But they are classified into two different classes of the phylum vertebrata. Evaluate this classification comparing salient features of each class. (2)
2014 MARCH
1. “All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates.” Evaluate and substantiate the statement. (2)
2. Name the distinctive character (responsible for their names) of the following animal groups.
a. Cnidaria b. Arthropoda c. Porifera
d. Annelida e. Chordata f. Ctenophora (3)
Your Biology teacher exhibited a laboratory specimen in the classroom. Based on which features will you distinguish it as a chordate or a non-chordate? (3)
1. Find the relationship between first pair and fill in the blank.
a. Salamander: Amphibia Chameleon:…………… (1)
2. In your practical, the class teacher brought the following preserved animals.
a. Balanoglossus b. Pila
c. Tapeworm d. Physalia
Identify the phylum of each animal and select a distinguishing character of each phylum from the flowing table: (4)
1. Presence of comb plates
2. Presence of Flame cells
3. Presence of Radula
4. Presence of Malpighian tubules
5. Presence of Proboscis gland
6. Presence of Cnidocytes
7. Presence of Notochord
is this focus area based previous year question?