NEET/ Medical Entrance Questions with answers- Biological Classification


1.       Biological classification of plants and animals was first proposed by
a)       Andreas Vesalius            b) Aristotle  
c)       Hippocrates                   d) Theophrastus
e)       Stephan Hales

2.       Aristotle classified plants into
a)       Aquatic plants and terrestrial plants
b)      Phanerogamae and cryptogamae
c)       Angiosperms and Gymnosperms
d)      Fibre yielding plants and timber yielding plants
e)       Trees, shrubs and herbs
3.       The five-kingdom classification was done based on certain characteristics.  Which of the following form the chief criteria for the above classification?
I)    Cell structure   II) Body organisation
III) Habitat of the organisms
IV) Mode of nutrition and reproduction
V)  Phylogenetic relationships
a)       I, II and IV only              b) II, III and V only
c)       II, III and IV only           d) I, II, III and IV only
e)       All are included except III
4.       Monera contain none of the following structures except
a)       Mitochondria     b) Nucleus
c)       Endoplasmic reticulum   d) DNA 
e)       Centriole
5.       The oldest kingdom is
a)       Plantae  b) Protista          c) Monera
d)      Fungi    e) Animalia
6.       Of the following organisms cell wall is present in
a)       Chlamydomonas and paramecium
b)      Amoeba and chlorella
c)       Euglena and Chlamydomonas
d)      Paramecium and amoeba
e)       Chlamydomonas and chlorella
7.       Match the following

Column I

Column II
True bacteria
Organisms that completely lack a cell wall
Bacteria living in marshy areas
Bacteria living in extreme salty areas
Bacteria living in hot springs
a)       I-Q,  II-P,  III-T,  IV-R,  V-S
b)      I-P,  II-R,  III-Q,  IV-S,  V-T
c)       I-Q,  II-P,  III-S,  IV-T,  V-R
d)      I-S,  II-P,  III-Q,  IV-R,  V-T
e)       I-R,  II-Q,  III-T,  IV-P,  V-S
8.       Bacteria reproduce mainly by
a)       Fission                          b) Budding  
c)       Fragmentation                d)  Conjugation  
e)       Spore formation
9.       All single celled eukaryotes are placed under
a)       Protista             b) Monera          c) Parazoa
d)      Fungi                e) Eumetazoa
10.   All the following can be applicable to protozoans except
a)       they are believed to be primitive relatives of animals
b)      they all are heterotrophs and live as predators or parasites
c)       there are six major groups of protozoans
d)      they are single celled
e)       they belong to the kingdom Protista
11.   Slime moulds are ------ protists
a)       Free living         b) Parasitic         c) Symbiotic
d)      Saprophytic        e) Nitrogen-fixing
12.   In which of the following organisms the body is covered over by a protein rich layer called pellicle
a)       Amoeba             b) Entamoeba       c) Euglena
d)      Plasmodium       e) All the above
13.   Red tide is caused by
a)       Gonyaulax         b) Ceratium       c) Noctiluca
b)      Physarum          e) Both a & b
14.   ------ is photosynthetic in the presence of sunlight, when deprived of sunlight, it behaves like heterotroph by predating on other small organisms
a)       Vorticella           b) Euglena         c) Mucor
d)      Beroe                e) Pleurobrachia
15.   Yeast comes under
a)       Myxomycetes      b) Phycomycetes
c)       Ascomycetes       d) Basidiomycetes
e)       Deuteromycetes
16.   The cell walls of fungi are composed of
a)       Cellulose only    b) Pectin only 
b)      Lignin only        d) Chitin and peptidoglycan
e)       Chitin and polysaccharides
17.   All the following statements regarding Diatoms are correct except
a)       most of the Diatoms are photosynthetic
b)      they are found in fresh water as well as in marine environments
c)       the cell walls of diatoms form two thin overlapping shells, which fit together as in a soap box
d)      they are the chief ‘producers’ in the oceans
e)       the walls of diatoms are embedded with chitin and cutin and thus the walls are indestructible.
18.   Presence of stiff cellulose plates on the outer surface of the cell wall is a characteristic feature of
a)       Slime moulds     b) Dinoflagellates
c)       Euglenoids         d) Flagellated protozoans
e)       Blue green algae
19.   The primary grouping of protozoans is based on
a)       size and shape                b) mode of nutrition
c)       mode of reproduction      d) their habitat  
e)       locomotory structure
20.   The study of Fungi is called
a)       Phycology          b) Mycology      c) Palynology
d)      Malacology        e) Myrmecology
21.   The mycelium in fungi may be septate or aseptate.  In which of the following classes the mycelium is aseptate and coenocytic
a)       Phycomycetes                b) Ascomycetes
c)       Basidiomycetes              d) Deuteromycetes
e)       Both a & b
22.   Trypanosoma gambiense is a
a)       Obligatory monogenetic parasitic
b)      Obligatory digenetic parasite
c)       Facultative monogenetic parasite
d)      Facultative digenetic parasite
e)       Incidental nonpathogenic parasite
23.   A cell from an unknown organism is examined under a microscope.  It has a membrane bound nucleus, a large central vacuole, chloroplasts and a cell wall.  What type of cell is it.
a)       Prokaryotic cell              b) Bacterial cell
c)       Plant cell                       d) Fungal cell   
e)       Animal cell 
24.   Match the following

Column I

Column II
Edible mushroom
Agaricus silvaticus
Puccinia graminis
Agaricus campestris
Bread mould
Black rust of wheat
Poisonous mushroom
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Baker’s yeast
a)       I-O,  II-K,  III-M,  IV-N,  V-L
b)      I-L,  II-M,  III-N,  IV-K,  V-O
c)       I-M,  II-N,  III-K,  IV-L,  V-O
d)      I-M,  II-K,  III-N,  IV-L,  V-O
e)       I-M,  II-K,  III-L,  IV-N,  V-O
25.   Fungi store food in the form of
a)       Glycogen           b) Inulin            c) Glucose
b)      Starch   e) Both a & b
26.   The protozoan Trypanosoma gambiense causes the disease
a)       Elephantiasis      b) African sleeping sickness        
c)       Yellow fever      d) Typhus fever 
e)       Dysentery         
27.   Viruses did not find a place in Whittaker’s five kingdom classification since
a)       they are obligatory parasites
b)      they take over the machinery of the host cell to replicate
c)       they remain inactive in the free state
d)      they do not possess a metabolic machinery of their own
e)       they are not truly living
28.   From the following choose the characters applicable to the members belonging to the kingdom Animalia
                    I.     they are heterotrophic eukaryotic organisms lacking a cell wall
                  II.     they directly or indirectly depend on plants for food
               III.     they store food reserves as glycogen or fat
               IV.     their mode of nutrition is either holozoic or holophytic
                 V.     they follow a definite growth pattern
               VI.     both lower and higher forms show elaborate sensory and neuromotor mechanism
             VII.     the sexual reproduction is by copulation of male and female followed by embryological development
a)       Only I, II, IV & VI are applicable
b)      Only II, III, V & VI are applicable
c)       Only I, II, III & VI are  applicable
d)      Only I, II, III, V, VII are applicable
e)       All are applicable except IV
29.   The principal components of viruses are
a)       Protein & lipid               b)  DNA & RNA
c)       RNA & lipid                  d)  DNA & carbohydrate
e)       Protein & nucleic acid
30.   An American microbiologist ------ isolated the tobacco mosaic virus in the form of crystals
a)       W.M. Stanley                 b) Iwanowsky
c)       Beijerinek                      d) Louis Pasteur
e)       T.O. Diener
31.   Generally, viruses that infect plants have
a)       Single stranded RNA
b)      Double stranded RNA
c)       Single stranded DNA
d)      Double stranded DNA
e)       Both DNA & RNA
32.   A taxonomic system based only on the traits that reflect the order in time in which branches arose in phylogenetic tree is called
                    a)       phylogeny                     b)  cladistics
                    c)       classical                        d)  phenetics     
                    e)       adansonian
33.   The group of organisms which  are considered as oxygen evolvers:
a)       Chemoautotrophs           b)  Chemoheterotrophs 
c)       Chemolithotrophs           d) Eukaryotes
e)       Photoautotrophs
34.   Prions are:
a)       A single stranded DNA 
b)      A single double stranded DNA 
c)       Histone and    RNA
d)      Histone and non-histone. 
e)       An infectious protein
35.   Cell wall of bacteria possesses diaminopimilic acid which along with other amino acids forms peptide, will inter connect the glycan part which is known as:
a)       Chitin                b)  Cellulose      c)  Mucin
d)      pectin                e) Murein
36.   A unicellular organism often considered as a connecting link between plants and animals is
a)       Monocystis        b) Paramoecium
c)       Euglena             d) slime mould
e)       Entamoeba
37.   Slime moulds are included under
a)       Monera             b) Protista           c)  Plantae
d)      Animalia           e)  Fungi
38.   The terms such as classification, systematics and taxonomy were given separate meanings by
a)       R.H. Whittaker               b) Linnaeus
c)       G. Simpson                    d) Julian Huxley
e)       Engler and Prantl
39.   Chemical constituents of plants such as alkaloids, raphides, crystals, aromatic compounds etc. are used as characteristics for which type of new systematics
a)       Chemotaxonomy            b)  Cytotaxonomy
c)       Karyotaxonomy             d)  Experimental taxonomy
e)       Adansonian taxonomy

1.       b
2.       e
3.       e
4.       d
5.       c
6.       e
7.       c
8.       a
9.       a
10.   c
11.   d
12.   c
13.   a
14.   b
15.   c
16.   e
17.   e
18.   b
19.   e
20.   b
21.   a
22.   b
23.   c
24.   c
25.   a
26.   b
27.   e
28.   d
29.   e
30.   a
31.   a
32.   b
33.   e
34.   e
35.   e
36.   c
37.   b
38.   c
39.   a

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