NEET Topic-wise Q & A
Model Questions
(1) Evolutionary relationships among organisms
(2) Vegetative characters or superficial morphological characters
(3) Reproductive characters or anatomical characters
(4) Cytological information like chromosome number, structure, behaviour etc.
(1) Androecium structure
(2) Structure of leaves and flowers
(3) Natural affinities among organisms
(4) Chromosome number
(1) Artificial systems of classification
(2) Natural systems of classification
(3) Phylogenetic systems of classification
(4) Numerical taxonomy
(1) Carl Linnaeus
(2) R.H Whittaker
(3) George Bentham & Joseph Dalton Hooker
(4) Engler and Prantle
(1) Morphology and phytochemistry only
(2) Cytological information only
(3) Anatomy, embryology and evolutionary history
(4) Ultrastructure, anatomy, embryology & phytochemistry
(1) It is based on all observable characteristics
(2) It is easily carried out using computers
(3) It considers mainly chemical constituents of plants
(4) Number & codes are assigned to all the characters and the data are processed
(1) Numerical taxonomy
(2) Cytotaxonomy
(3) Chemotaxonomy
(4) Cladistics Taxonomy
Topic 2: ALGAE
NEET: Previous Years Questions
In the members of Phaeophyceae,
A. Asexual reproduction occurs usually by biflagellate zoospores.
B. Sexual reproduction is by oogamous method only.
C. Stored food is in the form of carbohydrates which is either mannitol or laminarin.
D. The major pigments found are chlorophyll a, c and carotenoids and xanthophyll.
E. Vegetative cells have a cellulosic wall, usually covered on the outside by gelatinous coating of algin.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B, C and D only
(2) B, C, D and E only
(3) A, C, D and E only
(4) A, B, C and E only (NEET 2024)
(1) Ectocarpus
(2) Gracilaria
(3) Volvox
(4) Ulothrix
(1) Green algae
(2) Brown algae
(3) Red algae
(4) Blue-green algae (NEET 2021)
(1) Mannitol and algin
(2) Laminarin and cellulose
(3) Starch and cellulose
(4) Amylopectin and glycogen (NEET 2020)
(1) Anabaena and Volvox
(2) Chlorella and Spirulina
(3) Laminaria and Sargassum
(4) Gelidium and Gracilaria (NEET 2020)
(1) Uniflagellate gametes - Polysiphonia
(2) Biflagellate zoospore - Brown algae
(3) Gemma cups - Marchantia
(4) Unicellular organism - Chlorella (NEET 2018)
(1) Volvox
(2) Ulothrix
(3) Spirogyra
(4) Chlorella (NEET 2017)
(1) Algae increase the level of dissolved oxygen in the immediate environment.
(2) Algin is obtained from red algae, and carrageenan from brown algae.
(3) Agar‐agar is obtained from Gelidium and Gracilaria.
(4) Laminaria and Sargassum are used as food. (NEET‐II 2016)
Model Questions
(1) Ulothrix and Spirogyra
(2) Ulothrix and Chlamydomonas
(3) Volvox and Chlamydomonas
(4) Ulothrix and Volvox
(1) Endospores
(2) Aplanospores
(3) Autospores
(4) Zoospores
(1) Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Sphenopsida & Pteropsida
(2) Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae & Rhodophyceae
(3) Hepaticopsida (Liverworts), Anthocerotopsida (Hornworts) & Bryopsida (Mosses)
(4) Cycadopsida, Coniferopsida & Gnetopsida
(1) Porphyra, Laminaria and Sargassum
(2) Volvox, Fucus and Sargassum
(3) Ulothrix, Chara and Porphyra
(4) Gelidium & Gracilaria
(1) Ulothrix, Chara and Porphyra
(2) Sargassum and Volvox
(3) Chlamydomonas and Volvox
(4) Gelidium & Gracilaria
(1) Chlorella & Gelidium
(2) Chlorella & Spirulina
(3) Gracilaria & Spirulina
(4) Chlorella & Sargassum
(1) Red algae and Brown algae respectively
(2) Green algae and Red algae respectively
(3) Brown algae and Red algae respectively
(4) Red algae and Green algae respectively
(1) Chlamydomonas, Volvox, Chara
(2) Chara, Volvox, Chlamydomonas
(3) Volvox, Chlamydomonas, Chara
(4) Volvox, Chara, Chlamydomonas
(1) Chlorophyll a & b
(2) Chlorophyll a & c
(3) Chlorophyll a & d
(4) Fucoxanthin
(1) They are unicellular, colonial or filamentous.
(2) The chloroplasts may be discoid, plate-like, reticulate, cup-shaped, spiral or ribbon-shaped.
(3) Most of them have one or more pyrenoids (storage bodies) located in the chloroplasts.
(4) They have a rigid cell wall made of an inner layer of pectose and an outer layer of cellulose.
(1) Anisogamous or Oogamous
(2) Isogamous and Anisogamous
(3) Isogamous or Oogamous
(4) Isogamous, Anisogamous or Oogamous
(1) They have chlorophyll a, c, carotenoids & xanthophylls.
(2) Food is stored as Floridean Starch.
(3) The vegetative cells have a cellulosic wall covered by a gelatinous coating of algin.
(4) Plant body is attached to substratum by a holdfast and has a stalk (stipe) and leaf like photosynthetic organ (frond).
(1) Laminaria, Fucus and Dictyota
(2) Fucus, Laminaria and Dictyota
(3) Dictyota, Laminaria and Fucus
(4) Fucus, Dictyota and Laminaria
(1) Ectocarpus
(2) Sargassum
(3) Fucus
(4) Gracilaria
(1) Chlorophyceae
(2) Phaeophyceae
(3) Rhodophyceae
(4) All kinds of algae
(1) Chlorophyceae and Phaeophyceae
(2) Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae
(3) Rhodophyceae only
(4) Phaeophyceae only
(1) Polysiphonia & Porphyra respectively
(2) Porphyra & Polysiphonia respectively
(3) Polysiphonia & Gracilaria respectively
(4) Gracilaria & Porphyra respectively
(1) Amylopectin and glycogen
(2) Inulin (Dahlia starch)
(3) Cellulose and hemicellulose
(4) Chitin
(1) Isogamous
(2) Anisogamous
(3) Oogamous
(4) All of these
NEET: Previous Years Questions
Assertion A: The first stage of gametophyte in the life cycle of moss is protonema stage.
Reason R: Protonema develops directly from spores produced in capsule.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from options given below:
(1) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A
(2) A is correct but R is not correct
(3) A is not correct but R is correct
(4) Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation of A (NEET 2023)
(1) Mosses
(2) Pteridophytes
(3) Some Gymnosperms
(4) Some Liverworts (NEET 2021)
Model Questions
(1) Algae
(2) Bryophyta
(3) Pteridophyta
(4) Gymnosperms
(1) They can live in soil but need water for sexual reproduction.
(2) Their body is thallus-like and prostrate or erect, and attached to the substratum by unicellular or multicellular rhizoids.
(3) The body is more differentiated than algae and has true roots, stem or leaves.
(4) The main plant body is haploid.
(1) Sphagnum
(2) Funaria
(3) Polytrichum
(4) Marchantia
(1) Funaria
(2) Sphagnum
(3) Polytrichum
(4) Marchantia
(1) A= Antheridiophore B= Gemma cup C= Rhizoids
(2) A= Archegoniophore B= Gemma cup C= Rhizoids
(3) A= Gemma cup B= Archegoniophore C= Rhizoids
(4) A= Gemma cup B= Antheridiophore C= Rhizoids
(1) Asexual reproduction is by fragmentation of thalli, or by the formation of gemmae.
(2) Gemmae are green, multicellular, asexual buds that develop in small receptacles called gemma cups on the thalli.
(3) Gemmae are detached from the parent body and germinate to form new individuals.
(4) All are true statements.
NEET: Previous Years Questions
(1) Selaginella and Salvinia
(2) Psilotum and Salvinia
(3) Equisetum and Salvinia
(4) Lycopodium and Selaginella (NEET 2023)
(1) Homosorus
(2) Heterosorus
(3) Homosporous
(4) Heterosporous (NEET 2021)
(1) Marchantia
(2) Equisetum
(3) Salvinia
(4) Pteris (NEET 2020)
(1) Liverworts
(2) Mosses
(3) Pteridophytes
(4) Gymnosperms
(1) birds
(2) water
(3) wind
(4) insects (NEET‐I 2016)
Model Questions
(1) It represents Sphagnum belonging to Mosses
(2) It represents Selaginella belonging to Mosses
(3) It represents Selaginella belonging to Lycopsida
(4) It represents Sphagnum belonging to Lycopsida
(1) 2 1 4 3
(2) 2 4 3 1
(3) 2 3 1 4
(4) 2 3 4 1
(1) Prothallus
(2) Sporangia
(3) Antheridia
(4) Archegonia
(1) The dominant phase is gametophyte.
(2) The dominant phase is sporophyte.
(3) The dominant phase is gametophyte & sporophyte respectively.
(4) The dominant phase is sporophyte & gametophyte respectively.
(1) Prothallaus
(2) Strobili or cones
(3) Microphylls
(4) Macrophylls
(1) Homosporous
(2) Heterosporous
(3) Both homosporous and heterosporous
(4) Neither homosporous nor heterosporous
NEET: Previous Years Questions
Assertion A: In gymnosperms, the pollen grains are released from the microsporangium and carried by air currents.
Reason R: Air currents carry the pollen grains to the mouth of the archegonia where the male gametes are discharged and pollen tube is not formed.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the current explanation of A
(2) A is true but R is false
(3) A is false but R is true
(4) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (NEET 2023)
(1) its embryo is immature
(2) it has obligate association with mycorrhizae.
(3) it has very hard seed coat.
(4) its seeds contain inhibitors that prevent germination.
(1) Mustard
(2) Cycas
(3) Mango
(4) Pinus (NEET 2018)
(1) Ovules are not enclosed by ovary wall in gymnosperms
(2) Selaginella is heterosporous, while Salvinia is homosporous
(3) Horsetail are gymnosperms
(4) Stems are usually unbranched in both Cycas and Cedrus (NEET 2018)
(1) Cycas − Dioecious
(2) Salvinia − Heterosporous
(3) Equisetum − Homosporous
(4) Pinus – Dioecious (NEET 2017)
(1) broad hardy leaves
(2) superficial stomata
(3) thick cuticle
(4) presence of vessels (NEET‐II 2016)
(1) Sequoia is one of the tallest trees.
(2) The leaves of gymnosperms are not well adapted to extremes of climate.
(3) Gymnosperms are both homosporous and heterosporous.
(4) Salvinia, Ginkgo and Pinus all are gymnosperms. (NEET‐I 2016)
Model Questions
(1) The ovules are enclosed by ovary wall and remain exposed before fertilization.
(2) The ovules are enclosed by ovary wall and remain exposed before and after fertilization.
(3) The ovules are not enclosed by ovary wall and remain exposed before and after fertilization.
(4) The ovules are not enclosed by ovary wall and remain exposed before fertilization.
(1) Cycas
(2) Sequoia
(3) Pinus
(4) Cedrus
(1) Coralloid roots
(2) Prop roots
(3) Stilt roots
(4) Adventitious roots
(1) Male flower of an angiosperm
(2) Stamen of angiosperm
(3) Anther of an angiosperm
(4) A male inflorescence of an angiosperm
(1) 4 megasporangia on abaxial side
(2) 2 megasporangia on adaxial side
(3) 2 megasporangia on abaxial side
(4) 4 megasporangia on ventral side
(1) Diploid, post-fertilization
(2) Haploid, pre-fertilization
(3) Triploid, post-fertilization
(4) Diploid, pre-fertilization
(1) Pteridophytes
(2) Gymnosperms
(3) Angiosperms
(4) Monocots
NEET: Previous Years Questions
(1) Antipodals, synergids, and primary endosperm nucleus
(2) Synergids, Zygote and Primary endosperm nucleus
(3) Synergids, antipodals and Polar nuclei
(4) Synergids, Primary endosperm nucleus and zygote (NEET 2023)
Model Questions
(1) One antipodal cell with egg cell and one synergid cell with antipodal cell
(2) One of the polar nuclei and a male gamete and the egg and male gamete
(3) One of the male gametes with the secondary nucleus and the other male gamete with the egg
(4) One male gamete with polar nuclei and the other with one of the antipodals
(1) 24
(2) 12
(3) 36
(4) 48
NEET: Previous Years Questions
(1) Fucus
(2) Funaria
(3) Chlamydomonas
(4) Marchantia (NEET 2017)
(1) diplontic, haplodiplontic
(2) haplodiplontic, diplontic
(3) haplodiplontic, haplontic
(4) haplontic, diplontic. (NEET 2017)
Model Questions
1. In this, sporophytic generation is represented only by the zygote.
2. There are no free-living sporophytes.
3. Zygote undergoes mitosis to form haploid spores.
4. They divide meiotically to form gametophyte.
5. The dominant, photosynthetic phase is the free-living gametophyte.
6. Algae such as Volvox, Spirogyra and some species of Chlamydomonas show haplontic life cycle.
Of these,
(1) Statements 1, 4 and 6 are false
(2) Statements 2 and 3 are false
(3) Statements 3 and 4 are false
(4) Statements 3, 4 and 5 are false
(1) Haplontic life cycle as seen in Volvox
(2) Diplontic life cycle as seen in gymnosperms & angiosperms.
(3) Haplo-diplontic life cycle as seen in Bryophytes & Pteridophytes
(4) Haplo-diplontic life cycle as seen in gymnosperms & angiosperms
Awesome questions