NEET Topic-wise & A
NEET: Previous Years Questions
(1) Hemichordata
(2) Coelenterata
(3) Echinodermata
(4) Ctenophora
(1) Aschelminthes
(2) Annelida
(3) Ctenophora
(4) Platyhelminthes
(a) Organ system level of organisation
(b) Bilateral symmetry
(c) True coelomates with segmentation of body
Select the correct option of animal groups which possess all the above characteristics.
(1) Annelida, Arthropoda and Chordata
(2) Annelida, Arthropoda and Mollusca
(3) Arthropoda, Mollusca and Chordata
(4) Annelida, Mollusca and Chordata (NEET 2019)
Model Questions
(1) Sponges and cnidarians
(2) Cnidarians and comb jellies
(3) Comb jellies and sponges
(4) Sponges, cnidarians and comb jellies
(1) Flatworms to chordates except adult molluscs
(2) Flatworms to chordates except larval molluscs
(3) Flatworms to chordates except adult echinoderms
(4) Flatworms to chordates except larval echinoderms
(1) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(2) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(3) A is true, but R is false.
(4) Both A and R are false.
(1) Fishes
(2) Molluscs
(3) Star fishes
(4) Sponges
(1) Sycon, Fasciola, Pheretima
(2) Physalia, Hydra, Pleurobrachia
(3) Adamsia, Ascaris, Asterias
(4) Euspongia, Corals, Sepia
(1) It is not lined by peritoneal layer
(2) Coelom is formed from mesoderm
(3) Coelomic fluid is present
(4) Generally seen in triploblastic animals
(1) Platyhelminthes
(2) Mollusca
(3) Porifera
(4) Annelida
(1) Acoelomate and diploblastic embryo
(2) Pseudocoelomate and triploblastic embryo
(3) Acoelomate and triploblastic embryo
(4) Coelomate and diploblastic embryo
(1) Annelida and Porifera…………..Phyla
(2) Oligochaeta and Arthropoda…….Phyla
(3) Mollusca and Hydrozoa…………..Classes
(4) Aves and Chordata………..Classes
(1) Pteropus and Ornithorhynchus – viviparity.
(2) Garden lizard & crocodile – 3- chambered heart
(3) Ascaris & Ancylostoma – metameric segmentation
(4) Sea horse & flying fish – cold blooded (poikilothermal)
NEET: Previous Years Questions
A. Annelids are true coelomates
B. Poriferans are pseudocoelomates
C. Aschelminthes are acoelomates
D. Platyhelminthes are pseudocoelomates
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) B only
(2) A only
(3) C only
(4) D only
List I List II
A. Pleurobrachia I. Mollusca
B. Radula II. Ctenophora
C. Stomochord III. Osteichthyes
D. Air bladder IV. Hemichordata
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A-IV, B-II, C-III, D-I
(2) A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
(3) A-II, B-IV, C-I, D-III
(4) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
List I List II
A. Taenia I. Nephridia
B. Paramoecium II. Contractile vacuole
C. Periplaneta III. Flame cells
D. Pheretima IV. Urecose gland
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A-I, B-II, C-IV, D-III
(2) A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I
(3) A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
(4) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
List-I List-II
(a) Physalia (i) Pearl oyster
(b) Limulus (ii) Portuguese Man of War
(c) Ancylostoma (iii) Living fossil
(d) Pinctada (iv) Hookworm
Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(2) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(4) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) (NEET 2021)
(a) Metagenesis is observed in Helminths.
(b) Echinoderms are triploblastic and coelomate animals.
(c) Round worms have organ-system level of body organization.
(d) Comb plates present in ctenophores help in digestion.
(e) Water vascular system is characteristic of Echinoderms.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
(1) (c), (d) and (e) are correct
(2) (a), (b) and (c) are correct
(3) (a), (d) and (e) are correct
(4) (b), (c) and (e) are correct (NEET 2021)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(4) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) (NEET 2021)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(2) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(3) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(4) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) (NEET 2020)
(a) Pila (i) Flame cells
(b) Bombyx (ii) Comb plates
(c) Pleurobrachia (iii) Radula
(d) Taenia (iv) Malpighian tubules
Select the correct option from the following:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(2) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(3) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(4) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) (NEET 2019)
(1) Earthworm
(2) Tunicate
(3) Moth
(4) Starfish
(1) ventral tubular nerve cord
(2) pharynx with gill slits
(3) pharynx without gill slits
(4) absence of notochord. (NEET 2017)
(1) oscula
(2) choanocytes
(3) mesenchymal cells
(4) ostia (NEET 2017)
(1) Parapodia
(2) Jointed appendages
(3) Chitinous exoskeleton
(4) Metameric segmentation (NEET-I 2016)
Model Questions
(1) Penguin is homoeothermic while the remaining three are poikilothermic.
(2) Leech is a fresh water form while others are marine
(3) Spongilla has special collared cells called choanocytes, not found in the remaining three
(4) All are bilaterally symmetrical
(1) Porocytes
(2) Choanocytes
(3) Amoebocytes
(4) Spicules
(1) It includes ostia, spongocoel & osculum
(2) Water enters osculum and waste water is released out through ostia
(3) Food gathering, respiration, circulation and excretion are performed by this system
(4) This system is the unique feature of porifera
(1) Sycon which belongs to Porifera
(2) Sycon which belongs to Cnidaria
(3) Hydra which belongs to Porifera
(4) Hydra which belongs to Cnidaria
(1) Arthropoda
(2) Annelida
(3) Cnidaria
(4) Echinodermata
(1) Annelids
(2) Molluscs
(3) Arthropods
(4) Coelenterates
(1) Pennatula
(2) Physalia
(3) Coral
(4) Obelia
(1) Comb jellies
(2) Sponges
(3) Tongue worms
(4) Flatworms
(1) Spongilla
(2) Hydra
(3) Planaria
(4) Pleurobrachia
(1) Antennary glands
(2) Proboscis gland
(3) Flame cells
(4) Kidney
(1) Metamorphosis
(2) Regeneration
(3) Alternation of generation
(4) Bioluminescence
(1) Periplaneta has compound eyes and simple eyes
(2) Earthworm shows segmentation
(3) Ascaris shows sexual dimorphism
(4) Liver fluke has a complete alimentary canal
(1) Pseudocoelomate and has Syncytial epidermis
(2) Jointed appendages and chitinous cuticle
(3) Mantle and radula are seen
(4) Body is covered with spines
(1) Metamerism
(2) Chitinous exoskeleton
(3) Haemocoel
(4) Sexual dimorphism
(1) Polyp and medusa – Cnidarians
(2) Ciliated comb plates – Ctenophores
(3) Proboscis gland – Hemichordata
(4) Water vascular system – Porifera
(1) Housefly, butterfly, tse-tse fly, silverfish – Insecta
(2) Spiny anteater, sea urchin, sea cucumber – Echinodermata
(3) Flying fish, cuttlefish, silverfish – Pisces
(4) Centipede, millipede, spider, scorpion – Insecta
(1) Have Statocysts
(2) Some have Book gills
(3) Mostly monoecious
(4) Metameric segmentation
(1) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(2) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(3) A is true, but R is false.
(4) Both A and R are false.
(1) Echinodermata
(2) Mollusca
(3) Annelida
(4) Hemichordata
(1) Digestion
(2) Respiration
(3) Circulation
(4) Excretion
(1) Head, thorax & abdomen: Arthropoda
(2) Head, visceral mass & foot: Mollusca
(3) Proboscis, collar & trunk: Urochordata
(4) Head, neck & trunk: Mammalia
(1) Fishes
(2) Amphioxus
(3) Amphibians
(4) Ascidia
NEET: Previous Years Questions
A. Pharynx is perforated by gill slits.
B. Notochord is absent.
C. Central nervous system is dorsal.
D. Heart is dorsal if present.
E. Post anal tail is absent.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(1) A & C only
(2) A, B & D only
(3) B, D & E only
(4) B, C & D only
List I List II
A. Pterophyllum I. Hag fish
B. Myxine II. Saw fish
C. Pristis III. Angel fish
D. Exocoetus IV. Flying fish
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A-II, B-I, C-IIII, D-IV
(2) A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV
(3) A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
(4) A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV
A. Presence of a mid-dorsal, solid and double nerve cord.
B. Presence of closed circulatory system.
C. Presence of paired pharyngeal gill slits.
D. Presence of dorsal heart
E. Triploblastic pseudocoelomate animals.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) B and C only
(2) B, D and E only
(3) C, D and E only
(4) A, C and D only
(1) hairs, pinna and mammary glands
(2) hairs, pinna and indirect development
(3) pinna, monocondylic skull and mammary glands
(4) hairs, tympanic membrane and mammary glands (NEET 2023)
(1) Neophron
(2) Hemidactylus
(3) Macropus
(4) Ornithorhynchus
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(2) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(a) In Urochordata notochord extends from head to tail and it is present throughout their life.
(b) In Vertebrata notochord is present during the embryonic period only.
(c) Central nervous system is dorsal and hollow.
(d) Chordata is divided into 3 subphyla: Hemichordata, Tunicata and Cephalochordata.
(1) (a) and (b)
(2) (b) and (c)
(3) (d) and (c)
(4) (c) and (a)
(1) Amphibia
(2) Reptilia
(3) Aves
(4) Osteichthyes
(1) Macropus
(2) Chelone
(3) Camelus
(4) Psittacula (NEET 2018)
(1) Dolphins, Seals, Trygon
(2) Whales, Dolphins, Seals
(3) Trygon, Whales, Seals
(4) Seals, Dolphins, Sharks (NEET 2017)
(1) Perissodactyla
(2) Caballus
(3) Ferus
(4) Equidae (NEET 2017)
(1) All mammals are viviparous.
(2) All cyclostomes do not possess jaws and paired fins.
(3) All reptiles have a three-chambered heart.
(4) All Pisces have gills covered by an operculum.
(1) Viviparity
(2) Warm blooded nature
(3) Ossified endoskeleton
(4) Breathing using lungs (NEET-I 2016)
(1) Dorsal heart, presence of post anal tail and dorsal central nervous system
(2) Ventral heart, presence of post anal tail and presence of gill slits
(3) Dorsal heart, pharynx perforated by gill slits and dorsal central nervous system
(4) Ventral heart, presence of notochord and ventral central nervous system
Model Questions
(1) Hemichordata
(2) Urochordata
(3) Cephalochordata
(4) Vertebrata
(1) Body is covered by test made up of tunicin
(2) They are exclusively marine
(3) They are hermaphrodite
(4) Fish-like body
(1) Urochordata
(2) Cephalochordata
(3) Vertebrata
(4) Both A & B
(1) They are examples of Agnatha (Jawless)
(2) They have scales and paired fins
(3) They are ectoparasites on some fishes
(4) They come under the class Cyclostomata
(1) Frog, lion & fish
(2) Bat, pigeon & rabbit
(3) Pigeon, lizard & tortoise
(4) Rat, snake & crocodiles
(1) Renal portal system
(2) 4-chambered ventral heart
(3) Dorsal hollow CNS
(4) Pharyngeal gill slits
(1) Fins
(2) Placoid scales
(3) Caudal fins
(4) Vertebral column
(1) Dry and cornified skin with scales or scutes
(2) External fertilization
(3) Three-chambered heart
(4) Cloaca is absent
(1) Presence of wings, feathers and beak
(2) Double respiration and air sacs
(3) Long, hollow and pneumatic bones
(4) Presence of oil gland at the base of the tail
(1) Echidna & Pteropus
(2) Platypus & Macropus
(3) Echidna & Platypus
(4) Pteropus & Platypus
Thank you so much for your effort sir, really it is amazing, a very quick guide for a mentor. The slides are having all the important information as per the NCERT syllabus.
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