BIOLOGY PowerPoint Presentation (Class 12) ORGANISMS AND POPULATIONS PPT PDF 👉 Part 1: Abiotic factors 👉 Part 2: Responses to abiotic factors, Adaptations 👉 Part 3: Population attributes, Populations growth 👉 Part 4: Popul…
The eye of a human can distinguish 500 shades of the gray. People generally read 25% slower from a computer screen compared to paper. Men are able to read fine print better than women can. READ MORE
BOTANY PowerPoint Presentation MINERAL NUTRITION - PPT PDF 👉 Part 1: Hyroponics, Essential Mineral elements 👉 Part 2: Essential Mineral elements - 2 👉 Part 3: Mechanism of absorption, Metabolism of Nitrogen
BOTANY PowerPoint Presentation BIOTECHNOLOGY: PRINCIPLES & PROCESSES PPT PDF 👉 Part 1: Introduction 👉 Part 2: Tools of Recombinant DNA Technology-1 👉 Part 3: Tools of Recombinant DNA Technology-2 👉 Part 4: Process…
ZOOLOGY PowerPoint Presentation (Class 12) HUMAN REPRODUCTION PPT PDF 👉 Part 1: Male Reproductive System 👉 Part 2: Female Reproductive System 👉 Part 3: Gametogenesis 👉 Part 4: Menstrual Cycle 👉 Part 5: Fertilization,…
BIOLOGY PowerPoint Presentation (Plus 1/ Class 11) NEURAL CONTROL AND COORDINATION - PPT PDF 👉 Part 1: Neuron 👉 Part 2: Impulse Transmission 👉 Part 3: Human Neural System - CNS 👉 Part 4: Human Neural System - PNS, …